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Meeting the stakeholders from Grand Est region in France

Stakeholder group of Grand E-Nov+

The first DEBUTING stakeholder group meeting of Grand Est region in France was held in Strasbourg, on August 31st. The meeting brought together participants from 42 Mulhouse Grand Est, Region Grand Est, Orange, CCI Alsace Eurometropole, Femmes du numérique/Numeum and Grand E-Nov+.

The aim of the meeting was to present DEBUTING project, its ambitions and its methodology. To raise the stakeholder's awareness of the subject of equality a "spider diagram" tool was used, deployed by the advisory partner of DEBUTING project, Karlstad University. Also the good practices from Grand Est were discussed. One topic of discussion was also the programme Grand E-Nov+ is preparing for the consortium's visit to Strasbourg on 10 and 11 October 2023, where also some of the stakeholders will have their presentations. 

The project brought up a lot of questions that will be further discussed at a workshop scheduled for October 27th 2023. All the participants were delighted to be working together on DEBUTING project.

On top of the stakeholder group meeting, Grand E-Nov+ has held individual DEBUTING meetings with some stakeholders beforehand. For some of the stakeholders it’s the first experience to be engaged in an European project as a stakeholder.


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