S4 and Gender Equality on the Table in the Meetup in Navarre

DEBUTING is progressing and it was the turn of the interregional partner meeting to take place 10-12 April 2024 in Navarre, organized by DEBUTING partner Sodena with great enthusiasm. Within three intense days of work we shared experiences and initiatives related to both, smart specialization strategy and gender equality, with our project partners and stakeholders.
On the first meeting day, after a brief presentation on Navarre by Sodena, Navarre’s Smart Specialization Strategy for Sustainability (S4) was explained, in which sustainability has special relevance, involving the rest of the priorities identified. As an example of the cluster policy, the renewable energy and functional printing clusters explained their operations, as clusters are one of the most important tools for implementing the strategy. This was followed by a presentation on the new law on industry presented by Mikel Irujo, Regional Minister for Industry and Ecological and Digital Business Transition Department of the Government of Navarra.
Regarding gender equality, the program included numerous insightful presentations. We had the opportunity to go deeper into the situation regarding gender in Navarre and the services provided by the Navarre Institute for Equality to support companies. We also discussed the impact of equality plans. On the one hand, this information (in particular the EIGE) reflects the good position of Navarre in relation to the average in Europe, in addition to the commitment of the region to set up measures to balance in the region in terms of equality. But on the other hand, it brings to light data, such as the salary gap, which shows that there is still a long way to go. All of this highlights the importance of DEBUTING project.
Other good practices were also presented. One of them was Woman, technology and science chair by the Public University of Navarra; his chair promotes STEM vocations for students through different activities, such as I want to be a woman scientist theater and other technical workshops. We also got to know the Association of Women Business Owners and Executives in Navarra and the way it supports and promotes women in high positions. In addition, Innovarse was presented – a methodology promoting social responsibility (including gender equality) for companies . Innovarse was presented by the General director of Social Economy and Labour of the Government of Navarra, Iñaki Mendioroz. We also had the opportunity to learn about good practices from Värmland, North-West Romania and Emilia-Romagna. In addition we had two focus group discussions, one on regional strategy and the other on gender budgeting.
Finally, we focused on the situation of vocational training; a highly demanded education for workers in the industry where there is a big gender inbalance. This has a major impact on recruiting; women are losing opportunities because they do not have access to this economic sector.
What a program! The organizers from Sodena wanted the guests to be able to discover a little more of Navarre and Pamplona, and organized visits to the historic center of Pamplona and the Town Hall. Finally, we had the opportunity to travel to the north of Navarre to carry out team building activities in a natural environment, combining nature and activities that improve collaboration between the project members.