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Sodena launches DEBUTING in Navarre, Spain

Regional Stakeholder group of Navarra, Spain

Sodena, one of the partners in DEBUTING project, has already organized two Regional Stakeholder Group (RSG) meetings. The RSG of Navarre consists of various stakeholders, e.g. clusters, business associations, and educational actors. The aim is to create an aligned working group to achieve the following objectives:

  • Analyse the results of the current policies and initiatives.
  • Identify the sectors or types of companies that stand out of the data
  • Work with a sample of companies to learn about their procedures and work environment
  • Create working groups to analyse the learnings and to propose policy improvements.

Based on knowledge gained in the project kick-off in Värmland, six key focus areas were established:

  1. Talent recruitment
  2. External and internal communication of companies
  3. Business culture and structure
  4. Innovation through the user
  5. Business models
  6. Sustainable development

Finally, to achieve these objectives and become a forerunner in gender equality, the stakeholders proposed to reduce the salary gap in the industry. As all the stakeholders agreed, to become a forerunner it is essential to ´change the photo´ too: to increase the representation of women in companies and incorporating gender equality as a factor for improving competitiveness, which also boosts innovation.
