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Thematic workshop on Organizational Culture and Structure

Organizational structure, culture and emotions TEXT

The second thematic workshop of DEBUTING project was held November 14th with the theme Organizational Culture and Structure, organized by Karlstad University. The event covered what is reflected in research and in practice about gender equality and organizational culture and structure, and why it is important to apply a gender equality and diversity approach.


The lectures gave an overview on “what we know” about these themes. The first presentation was held by Maja Herstad, a Doctoral Candidate at Karlstad University, on analysing company structure and culture, while taking emotions into account. Based on her findings from semi-structured interviews with participants in gender equality projects she, among other things, discussed how companies involved in gender equality work need to take emotions in change work seriously – and see emotions’ relation to organizational change:


“It is important to be aware of local emotion norms in the company, and how these norms may clash with possible conflicting emotion norms in gender equality work. I call for critically examining the practical and emotional foundation for “negative emotions” often framed as “resistance” to gender equality work, to, for example, enhance people’s involvement and adjust gender equality work to the local company context.” Maja Herstad comments. There's also a summarized video available of Maja's presentation.


The second part included examples from a company perspective based on a “journey done”, a dialogue between Löfberg’s former CEO Lars Appelqvist and coordinator at the Swedish National Agency for Growth, Rosi Hoffer.


The third part of the event consisted of a panel discussion conversation between Karlstad University’s gender equality expert, Manuel Almberg Missner, doctoral candidate Maja Herstad, and project leader Louise Torevik at IUC (Steel and Manufacturing Cluster in Värmland, Sweden) on “What do we see” when looking at organizational cultures and structures, wearing a pair of gender equality and diversity glasses.


The event was once again a great example of how much we all have to learn about these topics. DEBUTING project is a continuous learning journey for all of us and we hope to get as many of you on board as possible!

Exchange of experience