Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Regional program will support the implementation of the objectives of the cohesion policy, including: a more competitive and smart Europe, a more environmentally friendly, low-carbon Europe, a better connected Europe, a Europe with a stronger social dimension and a Europe closer to citizens. The program will support R&D, implementation of e-services and the entrepreneurship.
At the regional level, there will also be co-financing for the development of the labor market, education and social inclusion. The program covers the area of NUTS 1: Mazowieckie Voivodeship, including two NUTS 2 units: Warszawski stołeczny and Mazowiecki regionalny.
In the project, we plan to address specific objective (ii) reaping the benefits of digitisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities, including support for digital availability and reuse of information by enterprises, which is an integral part of digital transformation.
The above will be connected with specific objective 1 (iii) enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments, assigned to Priority I European Funds for a more competitive and intelligent Mazovia.
The solutions developed under the project will be particularly important for improving the scope of intervention related to providing digital resources and business enabling services helping SMEs in the modification or introduction of new business models.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The focus of Priority 2 entitled “Promoting clean and fair energy transition, sustainable wastewater management and green investment” is to address climate and environmental challenges by promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in enterprises, taking into consideration existing plans and commitments such as Malta’s 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan and National Long-term Renovation Strategy 2050, among others, which have already been approved as in line with the European overall target for the long-term decarbonisation goals by 2050. One of the main target groups of this Policy Instrument is the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), under which the majority of Tourism Operators fall. Following the COVID-19 and the current energy crisis, the Tourism Sector has significantly suffered at all fronts and urgently requires effective policies and measures to sustainably recover and grow. The policy instrument envisages financial support for investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy with specific focus given to the worst-performing buildings within this sector.
Partners working on this policy instrument
According to the Act on the Development of Regions and the Implementation of Regional and Structural Policies of the European Union (756/2021), the regional programme is drawn up every municipal council term under the leadership of the regional government in cooperation with relevant stakeholders.
The topical issues dealt with in the programme are mitigating climate change and protecting biodiversity, sustainable community development and connectivity, a renewing business sector and boosting research, development and innovation, knowledge, and education as a resource for regional development, promoting participation and well-being and preventing inequalities.
The regional programme is divided into three main themes: Stable and Vibrant, Intelligent and Skilful, Flexible and Sustainable.
In South Ostrobothnia, the strategy for smart specialisation is integrated into the regional programme.
The project will focus more specifically on the sub theme “4.2.3. Wellbeing and Lifestyle Economy”. This theme has the goal of
increasing the visibility of tourism destinations in South Ostrobothnia, strengthening the operating environment of the tourism sector, and investing in the internationalisation, sustainability, and responsibility of the region’s tourism and in the digitalisation of the customer journey.
Complete programme (in Finnish) Huomisen lakeus - Maakuntastrategia (epliitto.fi)
Summary (in English) Smart specialisation strategy summary (epliitto.fi)
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Urban Authority of Campobasso has defined its urban strategy in the document “Strategy of Urban Development of the Urban Authority of Campobasso” with the following thematic objectives:
• Reduce the energy consumption in the public building also with the use of renewable energy solutions;
• Increase the quote of energy needs produced with integrated distribution system (Smartgrid);
• Promote and increase the sustainable mobility and intelligent transportation system;
• Promote and valorise the natural, cultural and historical heritage;
• Support the competitiveness and sustainability of the local enterprises;
• Improve the efficiency and the quality of the public services;
• Increase the employment opportunity also with the creation of new businesses.
In the above-mentioned document, to achieve the strategic aim, have been identified funds on the following thematic objectives:
• TO 3 – “Competitiveness in the productive sector” that points, in particular, to sustain the companies that wants create tourist products with the experimentation of new models and innovation technologies;
• TO5 – “Environment, culture and tourism” that foresees the realization of actions to protect and valorize the cultural heritages;
• TO6 – “Measures for active labor market policies with particular attention at those sectors that have a greater possibility of development among which the culture and the tourism.
Partners working on this policy instrument

This policy document was developed in compliance with Art. 10, para 1 and para 2 of the Bulgarian Renewable Energy Sources Act. The content and objectives of this strategic document are in line with the Integrated Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2030, the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NEAP), as well as the guidelines of the Sustainable Energy Development Agency for preparation of programs to promote the use of energy from renewable sources and biofuels.
Long - term goal 2
Raising awareness and encouraging private investment in the construction of renewable energy installations in Burgas Municipality.
The indicators for achieving the goal are as follows:
- information campaign for different target groups (end users, industry, energy and fuel traders, tourism sector);
- new photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of 5 MWp in business (energy is used for own needs);
- new installations for biomass utilization (outside the housing and municipal building stock) with a total capacity of 1 MW.
Long - term goal 3
Providing the necessary conditions for effective planning, implementation and monitoring of policies for the promotion and utilization of energy from renewable sources.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Policy Objective 1 of the RCM ROP 2021-2027 is ‘’A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity’’. The relevant specific objectives are:
RSO1.1. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
Priority. Strengthen the administrative and operational capacity of regional innovation support structures and entrepreneurship of the region
RSO1.2. Reaping the benefits of digitisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities
Priority: Acceleration of digital transformation business practices and supply sector services from the public to citizens and businesses.
RSO1.3. Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments
Priority. Creating capable horizontal structures aimed at excitation and support for all SMEs. Support business activity versus unforeseen risks.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Municipality has developed addressed policy with bottom up approach and this is ongoing process. Municipality organised discussion tables with a wide range of stakeholders as basis for the policy instrument. All attendees agreed that tourism is a very important driver for the economy and makes a positive contribution to the social-economic infrastructure (retail trade, hospitality facilities). The energy transition in the inner-city is not evident. These ambitions and objectives were reaffirmed during the dialogue tables and inspiration sessions. They are the foundations for the tourism action plan (policy-instrument).
The municipality of Middelburg organized a trend meeting (Re) Create Middelburg. The following trends will influence the policy instrument in the future:
- increased digitization;
- globalization and localization;
- increasing numbers of applications of artificial intelligence and data decision making;
- growing awareness of CO2 reduction and the need for sustainability;
Tourist visitors:
- have diverting travel purposes;
- want to have an authentic, special experience;
- mix different lifestyles, budgets and goals;
- market for both offline vacation and virtual travel;
Partners working on this policy instrument

Ptuj City Municipality is a medium size municipality (with around 23.200 inhabitants) and its Municipal Council adopted Local energy concept, developed by LEASP, in 2020.
The Local Energy Concept (LEC) is the most important tool for planning the local energy policy strategy. The LEC contains solutions tailored to the Ptuj City Municipality for efficient, economical and environmentally friendly energy services in homes, businesses and public institutions. The document also lists concrete effects that the municipality can achieve by implementing the LEC activities. The document is the basis for further planning of the economic development of the municipality, the development of local energy utilities, the efficient use of energy and its saving, the use of renewable energy sources and the improvement of air quality in the area of the municipality.
LEC enables:
• monitoring, determining and documenting energy consumption and changes in the energy and environmental situation,
• creation of short-term and long-term energy policy,
• the selection and determination of the goals of energy planning and energy policy in the municipality,
• creation and comparison of various alternatives and scenarios of possible energy and related economic development,
• review of measures to effectively improve the energy situation and thus also the state of the environment.
Partners working on this policy instrument