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Second Stakeholder Meeting in Galicia on 10th October!

By Project Down to Earth
Second Stakeholder Meeting in Galicia

On October 10th, our lead partner the Galician Rural Development Agency (AGADER) together with Fundación Juana de Vega hosted their second Down to Earth Stakeholder Meeting. This meeting followed the Study Visit in Molise, Italy, where Down to Earth partners discovered how the issues linked the topic of year 1 “Environmental risks related with depopulation and ageing population in rural areas” are addressed.

Galician stakeholders and experts engaged in discussions, analysing these practices within their regional context and comparing with their own experience in the region. It emerged that the Galician regional experiences could be of valuable interest to the Italian partner and the whole Down to Earth partnership, as many of solution have been implemented in Galicia to address the challenges of environmental risks linked with depopulation and ageing. 

The latest draft of the regional report prepared by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) was also presented and discussed. Stakeholders commented on its content, suggested changes and made rapid contributions to the text. 

Finally, a new interactive session was held to further work and improve the Galician SWOT analysis on depopulation and environmental risks. Stakeholders were able to evaluate the USC's proposals on this topic and have a small but productive brainstorming session on the topics of interest to the project from the Galician perspective. 

As Down to Earth continues its mission to foster sustainable rural development, these stakeholder meetings serve as crucial forums for collaboration and exchange of ideas and ensure actual impact on rural communities.

Sustainable development