Study Visit in Western Greece

From 13th to 15th February 2024, Down to Earth partners were in the region of Western Greece for the second Study Visit of the project.
The visit was organised by project partner the University of Patras, and explored how the challenges related to the topic of Year 1 are addressed in the region and tried to propose solutions to bolster the resilience and adaptation of mountainous and remote areas to climate change while revitalizing rural landscapes and upgrading protected regions. Down to Partner partners came with a number of stakeholders from their region to broaden the exchange of experience.
Day 1: Kalavryta: First Down to Earth Thematic Conference and efforts to support mountain tourism
The first day centered around Kalavryta, and saw the organisation of the Down to Earth first Thematic Conference, a constructive dialogue and a series of presentations from a diverse range of stakeholders.
Speakers included local officials such as Mr. Leonidas Vassilopoulos, President of the Municipal Council, and governmental figures like Mr. Andreas Filia, the Deputy Regional Governor for Rural Development.
Discussions ranged from the intricacies of national planning initiatives to the role of spatial development tools in the region.
The day culminated in a visit to the Ski Center of Kalavryta, showcasing innovative approaches to diversifying mountain tourism.
Day 2: Exploring Thermo and Xiromero
The second day saw participants venture into Aetoloakarnania, specifically the municipalities of Thermo and Xiromero.
Here, they were treated to a firsthand look at various interventions and local initiatives aimed at economic development and environmental conservation. Presentations ranged from the cultivation of citrus fruits to the revival of local grape varieties.
Mayors Spyros Konstandaras and Yiannis Triantafyllakis highlighted the importance of knowledge exchange and integrated planning in unlocking the potential of their respective regions.
Day 3: Managemement meetings in Patras
The final day, held in Patras, served as a platform for Down to Earth partners and present stakeholders to delve into identified best practices and survey results from the project's first year. Discussions centered on addressing barriers for young farmers and planning the next steps for sustainable solutions.
The meeting underscored, again, the importance of inter-regional cooperation and knowledge sharing in tackling common challenges. The conclusions emphasized the environmental risks associated with the climate crisis and population decline, laying out specific proposals for Western Greece's development.