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The first meeting of Tuscany regional stakeholders

By Project EDIN

Through a path of discussion and exchange with stakeholders from different EU regions and within the broader framework of regional policies supporting the development of inland areas consistent with the challenges of the digital and green transition, EDIN focuses on some of the new social phenomena born as a result of the 4.0 revolution such as digital nomadism and remote workers, as well as on the opportunities and necessary measures to be taken to intercept them with a view to the revitalization of the territories concerned with particular reference to inland areas, mountains, villages and sites of cultural interest.

The issue is linked in a double thread with local policies of welfare and creation of services for the communities of the same areas, primarily those based on the availability of adequate digital connectivity.

In this context, the first meeting of Tuscany regional stakeholders, held online on the 4th of September 2024, proposed to initiate a discussion with area stakeholders aimed at highlighting:

- the level of perception and interception of these new phenomena.

- ongoing experiences and initiatives aimed at improving the attractiveness and quality of services offered to residents.


- the needs and areas for improvement on which regional economic development policies could better target.

The meeting, thanks to the active participation of representatives from the municipalities of Santa Fiora and San Casciano dei Bagni, ANCI, IRPET, the START-WORKING Pontremoli Association and the ISI Foundation, was very productive.