Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
RP Toscana ERDF 2021-2027 is the main programming tool to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, starting from an analysis of territory's needs and on the basis of development opportunities in Tuscany.
RP Toscana ERDF 2021-2027 is strongly grounded in the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) for research and innovation in Tuscany 2021-27, by assuming its priorities and promoting its principles of participation. It is oriented to pursue the horizontal objectives set out in EU regulations.
The Tuscany Regional Authority is MA of both.
In relation to the PI, EDIN shares the two key challenges of 'a Smarter Europe' (innovative and smart economic transformation) and 'a Closer to citizens Europe' (promoting sustainable and integrated development of all types of territories and local initiatives) and is consistent with specific objectives such as:
-Enabling businesses, research and PA to reap the benefits of digitisation
-Strengthening the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation
-Promoting integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism and safety in urban and non-urban areas
-Culture and tourism for economic development, social inclusion and innovation
Concerning S3, it is consistent with the 'Green and digital Transition’ Challenge, and particularly with Application Areas “Environment, Territory, Energy' and 'Culture and Cultural Heritage'
Partners working on this policy instrument

The objective of the policy instrument is to position Donegal as a destination of excellence for remote working. The characteristics of the policy instrument include actions around infrastructure, digitisation, connected hubs, marketing and promotion, training and up skilling, campaigns to encourage remote working. It seeks to promote Donegal as a more connected place, to create and retain jobs, generate economic growth and provide new opportunities for young people supporting retention of talent. The Irish Government launched a National Remote Work Strategy ‘Making Remote Work’ which aims to build on the recent experiences of remote working to ensure that it becomes a permanent feature in the Irish workplace in a way that maximises economic, social and environmental benefits.
The implementation of the ‘Donegal Remote Working Strategy for Business’ has been through some successful initiatives to promote the facilities and infrastructure readily available across the region for remote working, for example:
The Working Holiday Campaign in 2022
#MoveToDonegal Campaign (2023) to encourage talent, diaspora and businesses to relocate to Donegal by highlighting the vibrant culture, modern infrastructure, world-renowned scenery and work-life balance in Donegal
The Donegal Hubs Forum
#LoveDonegal: an annual social media campaign to highlight the unique Donegal offering to a global audience. It won a Gold Local Authority award for ‘Best LA Innovation for Inward Investment’ in 2021
Partners working on this policy instrument

The County Plan for Møre and Romsdal 2025 – 2028 will be the county’s regional master plan and our main policy instrument during the project duration. The plan is currently being drafted following the regional election autumn 2023 in accordance with Norway's Planning and Building Act, but there is a clear wish to make the plan overlap its predecessor (2021-2024) to reflect the County's long-term commitments and planning towards a more sustainable region. Changes made in the draft are thus far tied to clearer language and more specified goals, the structure and contents are the same as before. We thus refer to County Plan (2021 – 2024), which is divided into four chapters defined by each their long-term development goal:
1) Collaboration, Co-creation, and Shared governance.
2) The Environment
3) Attractiveness and Diversity
4) Value-Creation and Innovation
We will strive to address the following goals tied to the fourth chapter:
- Strengthening the ability to transform and innovate, exploiting digital opportunities, and increasing the use of research, international cooperation, and innovative procurement
- Being a leader in creating local and environmentally friendly products and services based on local resources and local culture
- Having a business sector that is adaptable to change, grasps the opportunities in the green shift, and maintains and strengthens its international competitiveness.
Partners working on this policy instrument

ELY-AVI Strategy (Strategy for Regional State Administrative Agencies and ELY Centres), provides the steering of the ELY Centres and the Regional State Administrative Agencies in the regional implementation of the government porgramme and in renewing their operations in close cooperation with clients and stakeholders. The strategy document is renewed in every 4 years and the current strategy is valid until the end of 2023. The objectives of the strategy is to create a sustainable future for the benefit of people and regions. The strategy has pointed out the changes in the operationg environment, and the key changes (in relation to the project) are:
- Increased need for skilled labour force
- New ways and forms of working
- Urbanisation and multi-local living increase
- Emphasis on the need for good transport and telecommunications connections
- Digitalisation and other enabling technologies develop strongly
- Demographic change – deteriorating dependency ratio
The strategic priorities of the strategy are securing well-being and equality, increasing vitality, striving for carbon neutrality, customer relationships and digitalisation, common operating practices and partnerships and staff and work community
This programme is strongly integrated /linked with the other regional Programme, called the Kainuu programme, jointly created by the Regional Council of Kainuu, who is an ERDF-financing authority of the region.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The PI is a strategic development plan for the period 2021-2027. Approved by the Council on 18/12/2020, it outlines initiatives aimed at the development, with a specific focus on diversifying the economy. Key aspects of the policy instrument
Geographical and Demographic Information
The municipality has a population of 19,000 residents and is situated on the Polish border. The territory spans 130,938 hectares, has two national parks, 150 lakes, and is known for its economic potential, especially in the context of digital nomadism.
Strategic Focus Areas
Digitalization, mobility, green initiatives, innovation, social impact measurement.
Economic Landscape
The municipality hosts over 300 enterprises, with comprehensive internet coverage across the entire territory.
Digital Nomadism as an Economic Driver
The municipality recognizes the emerging trend of digital nomadism and sees it as a potential booster for the economy.
The municipality aims to enhance connectivity, particularly through the use of electric buses, to improve mobility.
Policy Implementation Framework
The 2021-2027 strategic development plan serves as the main document for policy implementation.
It includes financing, goals for supporting SMEs, youth businesses, attracting youth to return after studies, investing in infrastructure.
This approach is expected to strengthen economic potential, foster overall development.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The integrated territorial development strategy for a level 2 planning region is part from the system of spatial development planning documents in The Regional Development Act.
Overcoming the significant territorial imbalances in the region will be achieved through improving transport and communication connectivity which will facilitate access to public services of a higher degree, as well as by stimulating the development of the cities-centers of the different hierarchical levels. Better connectivity of the region within the country and linking its transport and communication links with the European network will increase its competitive advantages, the attraction of new investments and will contribute to the mobilization of its potential through better accessibility to sites for employment, services, tourism, recreation, culture.
Good digital connectivity with high-speed networks is critical to the transition of the economy of the Northeast region towards digital technologies.
Priority "Local Development", sub-priority "Competitiveness and development of regions", impact area "Integrated development of regions for level 2 planning" of Plan Bulgaria 2030. It aims to provide prerequisites for increasing the competitiveness and sustainable development of the regions of the country, as well as the promotion of local development, stepping on the specific local potential and by addressing local issues and challenges.
Partners working on this policy instrument

In 2020, the problem of the demographic challenge acquired the status of Policy of State and began to have its own structure within the Government, coordinated by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge: the General Secretariat for the Demographic Challenge (SGRD).
The PI selected is the Spanish Strategic Planning to Coordinate all initiatives to fight against demographic challenge in areas with serious depopulation problems. EDIN will work on the document implementing this strategic planning, which currently is: "Recovery Plan:130 measures facing Demographic Challenge”.
In concrete, EDIN will work on its:
- Axis 3, focused on innovation and talent attraction by creating a National Network of Territorial Innovation Centres where administrations, businesses and entrepreneurs can start projects and become promoters for territorial development. NDs are a key factor in this drive for social innovation, due to their dynamic way of working and living that will help revitalize the social fabric and bring the use of technology organically to everyday life.
- Axis 10, addressing cross-border development with Portugal. Cross-border areas face especial and complex realities that require innovative solutions so, in the contextof the Common Strategy for CRoss-border Development Spain-Portugal 2020, SGRD is key to rehabilitate the social and urban fabric of areas at risk of depopulation on the border between Spain and Portugal.
Partners working on this policy instrument