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1° Stakeholder Meeting for Cork Transport and Mobility Forum

Stakeholder meeting for Cork and Mobility Forum

Cork Transport and Mobility Forum hosted the first EMBRACER Cork Local Stakeholders Group Meeting aiming to integrating public transport with informal modes to enhance the interconnection with urban areas, by using innovative tools and approaches for connecting underserved areas.

The Transport and Mobility Forum, Cork (TMF), a cross-sectoral representative group of 25+ organisations who have a common interest in sustainable travel, and project partner in the EMBRACER (interconnecting MoBility acRoss europeAn CitiEs and subuRbs) project recently hosted the first Cork local Stakeholders group meeting for the project.

EMBRACER stakeholders met on August 1st, 2023 for their first meeting. The meeting was attended by a range of local transportation stakeholders including representatives of the city council, local employers, transport providers and users. The Morning session was addressed by
• Ruaidhri De Barra, Sustainable Environment Officer, CUH;
• Dr Darren McAdam-O’Connell, Coordinator Cork Transport & Mobility Forum;
• and Dr Kristina Gaučė, Sustainable mobility expert, director of „Gaučė ir Ko".


A presentation during the meeting


The presentations of the day covered:
• CUH’s sustainable mobility actions,
• The landscape to transport interventions, what is an action and what can be
• And regional challenges to better adapt the mobility systems: how to achieve seamless intermodal mobility? Policies, regulations, strategies, and planning practices to boost connectivity in Vilnius/Lithuania.

A site visit to Capwell Bus Depot followed,  hosted by Aled Williams of Bus Eireann.

Darren McAdam-O’Connell Coordinator of the TMF, said:
‘We must ensure that everyone has access safe convenient and timely public transport as well as welling safe and welcomed to walk and cycle within and to and from their communities. This together with enabling more people to live closer to where they work, study, shop, and socialise, this will reduce our reliance on private car use, which has negative impacts on congestion, air quality, and climate change, as well as the health and quality of life of ordinary people who are having to spend more and more of their life sitting in traffic.”

Bernadette Connolly Coordinator of the Cork Environmental Forum, said:
“Good to see stakeholders from all sectors at this inaugural meeting of an opportune project to progress sustainable transport in cities. Lovely to be joined by Dr Kristina Gaučė representing our Lithuanian partner”.

Climate change
Public transport