EMBRACER in the press
Business Initiatives. Innovation in Portugal redefines the urban future.
Castilla y León and the Centro region present their model of ‘transport on demand’.
The Italian press tells about the 4th Regional Stakeholder Group Meeting organised in the city by the Metropolitan City of Cagliari and TTS Italia, especially focusing on the city engagement for a better mobility thanks to EMBRACER, especially focusing on transport solutions for areas with low density.
YouTG.Net; Cagliaripad; Ferpress; Sardegna Reporter; Charta Bianca; L'Unione Sarda; Comune di Quartu Sant'Elena; TGR3 Sardegna; Cagliari Casteddu; Cagliaripad (a further one)
The ClusterTrasporti website tells more to Italian audience about the EMBRACER project with a focus on the autonomous driving pilot going on in Vilnius.
The Serbian TV station, Regionalna radio televizija Novi Pazar, published a news about RDA SEDA participation in EMBRACER
Italian press reporting about the autonomous driving test in Vilnius thanks to EMBRACER fundings
In Vilnius, the test of the 8-seat L3 autonomous electric shuttle service has started. The aim is improving the transport connectivity of suburban areas and accessing public transport stops to enable users traveling further afield.
Made in Vilnius; Delfi; 15min; Verslo Zinios; vz.lt; lrt.lt; Iritas.lt; lnk.lt; lrt.lt (a further article); Lrytas
CIM Viseu Dão Lafões' Flexible Transport Service, IR and VIR, recognised by the European Union as good mobility practice, on several local media:
CIM Viseu Dão Lafões; Viseu Now; Diário de Viseu; Jornal Do Centro; Centro TV
The information about the upcoming Vilnius pilot developed within EMBRACER, and involving an autonomous driving shuttle, was published on several local portal: DELFI; Kauno Diena; LRT.it; lrytas; 15min.it; made in Vilnius; etaplius; LNK
The EMBRACER project, the role of JUDU and Vilnius Municipality, as well the the upcoming Vilnius pilot developed within the project, and involving an autonomous driving shuttle, is on the local radio LRT.
Listen here (minute 26)
EMBRACER Second Regional Stakeholders Meeting organized by University of Aveiro on TERRANOVA online magazine.
EMBRACER article on DELFI, major and most visited Lithuanian news portal. About one million unique visitors monthly. The daily also operates in Latvia and Estonia. It belongs to the Estonian media company “Ekspress Group”. The article is about the autonomous driving bus that JUDU will be working on within the project.