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6-7 November 2024
In person | Bilbao, Spain

Discover the agendas for the two workshops.


6 November

Workshop on policies for the industrial transition


Registration and welcome coffee 


Welcome and thematic introduction 

  • Welcome, introduction to the day and presentation of the agenda
  • Interregional cooperation with Interreg Europe: presentation of the programme and the platform
  • Thematic introduction on the topic 
  • Ice-breaking exercise

Regional transformation processes

  • Industrial transformation of the Basque country

Presentation of the local context and the policy strategies in place. 
by Basque government or Basque economic development agency SPRI (TBC)

  • From Dark to Grey to Green

A story on how the region of Duisburg and Ruhr transformed from a coal mining region to a sustainable economy. 
By Anna Steinmeier / Börje Wichert, Duisburg Business & Innovation GmbH (Accelerate GDT)

These presentations will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by the thematic experts. 


Session 1: Industrial transformation of the European economy

Challenges and opportunities, vision for 2030. 

You will work by group on posters, focusing on two aspects of policy approaches to industrial transformation to be discussed during this day:

  • Supporting the digital and green transformation of specific sectors
  • Promoting the emergence and growth of new businesses in future-oriented sectors.

Coffee break


Session 2: Supporting the transformation of specific sectors

  • Realign cluster policies to accelerate industrial transformation
    Presentation by John Hobbs, Munster Technological University (Accelerate GDT)
  • Learnings from the tourism sector (TOURBO):
    Presentation by Liisa Kokkarinen, Head of Sustainable Development (Visit Finland) Business Finland on Sustainable Travel Finland
    Presentation on Andalucía Lab. Technology and Tourism HUB (tbc)

Followed by group work on these presentations and compilation of main findings from the groups. 


Networking lunch


Session 3: Promoting the emergence and growth of new businesses in future-oriented sectors

  • Presentation on Policies for developing a knowledge-intensive economy in San Sebastian,
    By Xabier Hualde Amunárriz/Yesenia Otamiendi Muguruza, Fomento San Sebastian (SKALE2CT, NOTRE)
  • Presentation on Aerospace Innovation Hub Delft – Fostering the development of the regional aerospace ecosystem, <
    by Jos van den Boom/Victor Rijkaart, TU Delft Innovation & Impact Centre (MAE)

Followed by group work on these presentations and compilation of main findings from the groups. 


Conclusions of the workshop and follow-up activities


Coffee break


Site visit

Join our experts for an onsite visit. 


Networking cocktail

Join us for an informal closure time! 

7 November

Workshop on university-industry collaboration


Registration and welome coffee


Welcome and thematic introduction

  • Welcome, introduction to the day and presentation of the agenda
  • Interregional cooperation with Interreg Europe: presentation of the programme and the platform
  • Thematic introduction on the topic 
  • Ice-breaking exercise

European initiatives for research valorisation

Overall policy, Competence Centres and the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) 

Panel discussion moderated by Thematic experts 

  • Ioannis Sagias, Deputy Head of Unit, Valorisation Policies & IPR, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission (tbc) 

  • Alessandro Fazio, Head of the Joint Research Centre’s Competence Centre on Technology Transfer (tbc) 

  • Diva Tommei, Chief Innovation, Education and Marketing Officer, EIT Digital (tbc) 

Followed by a Q&A session. 


Coffee Break


Regional policies for research valorisation

  • Research and innovation in the Basque Country 

Presentation by Mari Jose Aranguren, General director or James Wilson, Research director, Orkestra - Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Spain. (tbc)

  • Scouting Public Lab Inventions: Bridging Innovation in Grand Est 

Presentation by Antoine Parmentier, SATT Conectus Alsace, France (VIADUCT). (tbc) 

  • The role of intermediaries for research valorisation 

Presentation by Agatha Filimon, Regional Development Agency North-East, Romania, Research Valorisation Programme 2.0. (RVP 2.0) (TRACS3) (tbc)

Followed by a Q&A session. 


Networking lunch


Learning from experience – University-Industry collaboration

Working group session 

You will be divided into groups to engaged in a working session facilitate by the Thematic Experts.  You will discuss around the following topics: 

  • Reflecting on keynote speeches and good practices in the morning 

  • What are policy tools to promote university-industry collaboration and research valorisation in participant’s region?  

  • Policy challenges and opportunities 


Conclusions and possible follow-up activities

Wrap-up of the day, presentation of the site visit. 


Coffee break


Site visit

Join our experts for an onsite visit. 


Networking cocktail

Join us for an informal closure time!