Registration & welcome coffee
In-person and online
Opening session of the 11th edition of 'Europe, let's cooperate!' with high-level speakers discussing the contribution of interregional cooperation in the implementation of EU cohesion policy.
The session will take stock of Interreg Europe's achievements and celebrate the power of interregional cooperation to deliver results and improve policies throughout regions across Europe.

Konrad Wojnarowski

Slawomir Tokarski

Anne Wetzel

Erwin Siweris
Coffee break
Discover the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform and its services. You will be able to learn more and explore how the Platform boosts EU-wide policy learning and contributes to the development of better regional policies.

Thorsten Kohlisch

Elena Ferrario

Marc Pattinson

Astrid Severin
Lunch break
In person only
Interactive 45 minute sessions
Building policies: interactive sessions
Round 1
Board with us on a journey to discover the policy life-cycle. We are offering various informative sessions around the three main steps of the policy life-cycle: policy design, policy implementation and evaluation
The sessions are listed below.
Once your registration to Europe, Let's Cooperate has been approved, use the networking zone to register to the sessions you are interested in.
Not interested in these policy life cycle sessions? Join the different networking zones.
You can find more information below in the "networking and inspiration" from 14:00 to 17:00 line of the programme.
Policy design
Join us for a session where we will explore how mission-oriented policies are driving disruptive and breakthrough innovations to address the 21st century social, environmental, and economic 'grand challenges'. Some regions in Europe have already developed tools that help to identify the directions to take for targeting those challenges efficiently. Discover the inspiring example of the Northern Netherlands region, and their "open innovation calls", a well-established practice providing successful results for the last 10 years.
Policy monitoring and evaluation
Having access to accurate data is a prerequisite for enabling evidence-based policy-making, and for monitoring the effectiveness of policies once implemented. The Climate Change Observatory of Attica region is an initiative designed to monitor, assess, and address the impacts of climate change in the region. It supports monitoring systems for tracking climate change impacts in sectors like infrastructure and the environment, by helping develop indicators to assess progress over the set policy objectives. Join us in this session to learn more about the importance of accurate data in policy making.
Antigoni Gkoufa

Astrid Severin
In person only
Interactive 45 minute sessions
Building policies: interactive sessions
Round 2
Board with us on a journey to discover the policy life-cycle. We are offering various informative sessions around policy design, policy implementation and evaluation.
The sessions are listed below.
Once your registration to Europe, let's cooperate has been approved, use the networking zone to register to the sessions you are interested in.
Not interested in these policy life cycle sessions? Join the different networking zones.
You can find more information below in the "networking and inspiration" from 14:00 to 17:00 line of the programme.
Policy design
This session will explore the use of strategic foresight in policy-making. Strategic foresight is a structured and systematic approach to exploring future policy perspectives, helping anticipate and prepare for changes effectively. By examining different possible futures and their potential opportunities and challenges, it equips policymakers to make informed decisions and take proactive actions today. In this session, we will discover how Slovenia is applying strategic foresight techniques to identify the needed skills for the industrial development of the country.

Dr. Aleš Hančič

Arnault Morisson
Policy implementation
Intermediaries are essential organisations within a regional ecosystem, positioned at the crossroads between public authorities and the final beneficiaries of policies. They play a pivotal role throughout the policy life-cycle, particularly as key facilitators of policy implementation, ensuring effective dialogue between policymakers and beneficiaries on the ground. In this session, we will explore how Upper Silesia has built its innovation strategy through the work of the Entrepreneurship and Development Agency, which designs and implements initiatives to create and sustain a vibrant ecosystem.

Pawel Lejman

Marc Pattinson
Policy monitoring and evaluation
Well-being indicators are often seen as an “alternative” to traditional systems for monitoring policy action. In recent years, their alignment with SDG indicator methods has given them renewed legitimacy as a valuable approach to complement conventional public policy monitoring models. This session will highlight the example of the city of Grenoble, France, where a cluster system of well-being indicators was successfully used to monitor the public policies implemented by the municipality.

Lola Mercier Valero

Elena Ferrario
In person only
Interactive 45 minutes sessions
Building policies: interactive sessions
Round 3
Board with us on a journey to discover the policy life-cycle. We are offering various informative sessions around policy design, policy implementation and evaluation.
The sessions are listed below.
Once your registration to Europe, let's cooperate has been approved, use the networking zone to register to the sessions you are interested in.
Not interested in these policy life cycle sessions? Join the different networking zones.
You can find more information below in the "networking and inspiration" from 14:00 to 17:00 line of the programme.
Policy design
Policy design relies on continuous, effective, inclusive, and informed decision-making processes. Success requires the use of simulation tools, updated data sets, and active engagement with relevant stakeholders. In this session, we will explore a renowned practice applied to mobility planning in the wider area of Thessaloniki, Greece, showcasing how these elements come together to create impactful policies.

Maria Morfoulaki

Katharina Krell
Policy implementation
Adopting the right communication strategies to reach target beneficiaries is essential for the smooth implementation of any policy instrument. This session will feature a straightforward yet impactful solution for SMEs facing economic challenges: the Voznesensk City Council in Ukraine has introduced an accessible, regularly updated document that simplifies grant opportunities, breaking down barriers related to time, knowledge, and complex language.
Viktoriia Baltser

Chiara Dall’Aglio

René Tönnisson
Policy monitoring and evaluation
A coherent and effective set of indicators is essential to understanding the impact of any policy action. Comprehensive and regularly updated data sets the foundation for this critical step in the policy life-cycle. In Ireland, a shared monitoring system across three regional assemblies (RDM Hub) allows the visualisation of a range of relevant socio-economic and environmental indicators to understand the performance of each region in terms of achieving the objectives outlined in their respective Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSES). This session will showcase the RDM Hub which provides an example of the transformative impact of open data and digitalisation, making critical information accessible for policy-makers and the public.

Justin Gleeson

Laura Varisco
In-person only
Networking activities
Networking and inspiration
The afternoon offers various opportunities to accompany you in your policy design process. You can meet experts of the Policy Learning Platform to get more information about the services or discuss your policy challenges, to network with other participants or join one of the workshops/discussions around policy design.
There will also be possibilities to draw inspiration from the previously co-financed interregional cooperation projects and networking with other participants.
Board with us on a journey to discover the policy life-cycle. We are offering various informative sessions around the three main steps of the policy life-cycle: policy design, policy implementation and evaluation
You will find more information on the different sessions above.
Get answers and discuss your questions at the Interreg Europe & Policy Learning Platform corner, where you can meet representatives of the joint secretariat and the Policy Learning Platform.
Join or host a networking session in the networking zone to share policy challenges and your ideas. Book a space for a networking discussion and propose a topic of your choice or participate in the talks hosted by other participants.
Book a 1:1 meeting to discuss your policy challenges with experts of the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform in a 15-minute individual consultation.
Come and visit the project poster exhibition. It’s a great place to meet up with some of our running projects!
Closing session of the first day to reflect on the 10 years of Policy Learning Platform implementation and highlighting the achievements and people who contributed.
Networking cocktail
The full day is in-person only.
Registration & welcome coffee
In person only
Thematic sessions & study visits
It’s a day to dive deeper and get inspired! During a series of interactive workshops and study visits, you will have an opportunity to test and experience policy-learning in practice. Hear from project partners and learn about good practices, and get opportunities to meet, discuss and exchange with others who share the same interests or work on similar policy issues in different regions.
Draw inspiration from study visits and discover good practices in and around Krakow together with the thematic experts of the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Participants can choose between attending an interactive workshop or participating in the study visits (note: each session and study visit take the full morning. Due to limited capacity, advance registration is required).
Thematic session 1
This session aims to empower local and regional authorities by showing how AI can drive innovation in key thematic areas such as mobility, smart cities, and waste management. By showcasing practical applications and tools derived from Interreg Europe projects and good practices, and other successful local success stories, the session will provide participants with tangible examples of successful AI integration.
Gianluca Misuraca
Laurent Rathouis
Marek Bobis
Aino-Maija Vaskelainen

Laura Varisco

Marc Pattinson

Arnault Morisson
Thematic session 2
Increasing waste generation trends and strict EU regulatory frameworks for waste management are putting municipalities and regions as policy competent authorities under pressure, as their own waste-related policies and infrastructure solutions need to change and adapt.
One of the main principles of waste management in the European Union is the waste hierarchy: waste prevention, reuse, recycling. The upper levels of the waste pyramid can also be implemented in form of circular systems where resources stay as long as possible in the biogenic and technical use cycles. This session intends to inspire public bodies with solutions and approaches tried out and implemented on the ground by featuring available resources and services provided by the Platform for all levels of the waste pyramid.
Periklis Kafasis
Nikolaos Ntavos
Liudmyla Kylymnyk

Francesco Lembo
Filipe Carneiro

Astrid Severin

Katharina Krell
Study visit 1: Learn more about underground and semi-underground containers in Kraków
Join us to discover Kraków’s cutting-edge approach to waste management, which combines modern infrastructure and policy innovation to enhance urban sustainability. By combining innovative infrastructure with proactive policymaking, Kraków’s waste management system demonstrates how cities can enhance sustainability and efficiency. Don’t miss the chance to explore this inspiring initiative.
Study visit 2: Explore the innovative demand-responsive transport
Explore the groundbreaking demand-responsive transport (DRT) solution designed to enhance public transport in low-density residential and industrial areas where traditional services are not viable. We will exemplify how municipalities can extend public transport coverage in cost-effective and sustainable ways. This will be an opportunity to witness a solution that could inspire similar projects in regions facing challenges with traditional public transport.
Study visit 3: Building the future of the energy sector
Join us for an exciting study visit to the innovative Energy Centre at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, a flagship example of forward-thinking infrastructure supporting Europe’s energy transition. This visit will highlight how the centre bridges the worlds of academic, business, and policymaking. Through the visit of several labs, the Centre’s don’t miss the chance to explore this exemplary initiative driving innovation in the energy sector.
Lunch break