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Workshop on policies for the industrial transition

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What you will discuss

On 6 November 2024, the workshop will focus on policies for the triple transition. 

The rapid evolution of industrial landscapes across Europe demands a comprehensive approach to ensure a seamless transition towards a more digital, green, and resilient economy. Key drivers of the industrial transformation are: 

  • Digitalization: The rise of digital technologies offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance industrial productivity and innovation. By leveraging AI, IoT, and big data, industries can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and open up new avenues for growth. 

  • Green Transition: Sustainability is at the core of the European Green Deal, aiming to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Industries must adapt to stricter environmental standards and embrace circular economy principles to thrive in this green future. 

  • Resilience and Sustainability: The recent disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, have highlighted the need for resilient and adaptable industrial sectors. Strengthening supply chains and fostering community resilience are essential to withstand future shocks. 

The workshop topic aligns with key European Union priorities, including the European Green Deal, the Digital Strategy, and the Recovery and Resilience Facility. These initiatives emphasize the importance of digital transformation, environmental sustainability, and economic resilience, making it imperative for policymakers to understand and integrate these principles into regional and national strategies. 

What you can expect

This workshop is designed to address the need for strategic planning and operational implementation at the local and regional levels when it comes to policies for the industrial transformation.  

Throughout the workshop, you will be encouraged to share and reflect on solutions to optimise impacts of entrepreneurial initiatives on local and regional economies, e.g. by leading to the emergence of robust businesses, by creating employment opportunities and by contributing to a successful industrial transformation of local economies. 

You will discuss around two different types of policy approaches: 

  • Supporting the digital and green transformation of specific sectors 

Building on the examples provided by members of the Interreg Europe community, you will explore specific approaches implemented to address the digital and green transformation on the level of whole sectors. You will exchange on the specificities of such sectoral approaches, constraints and opportunities coming along with such approaches, as well as the benefits and difficulties of transnational collaboration.  

  • Promoting the emergence and growth of new businesses in future-oriented sectors 

Building on the examples provided by members of the Interreg Europe community (project partners), you will explore how entrepreneurial dynamics can be improved by developing specific measures fostering a stronger growth of existing businesses and/or the emergence of fast-growing startups. 

Through the day, you will especially be invited to explore opportunities provided by the digital and green transformation, as well as the need for more resilient supply chains. 



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