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Workshop on university-industry collaboration

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What you will discuss

On 7 November 2024, the workshop will deal with University-Industry Collaboration and focus on how policymakers can promote research valorisation in their regional innovation ecosystems

The European Commission actively promotes EU Valorisation Policy as a critical component to maximise the social and economic impact of research and innovation. This involves leveraging research results to address societal challenges and drive green and digital transitions, particularly those funded publicly.

Research valorisation is the process of creating social and economic value from knowledge by linking different sectors and transforming data, know-how, and research results into sustainable products, services, solutions, and knowledge-based policies that benefit society. It is also an essential aspect of technology transfer with a particular attention on SMEs.  

Valorisation refers to the process of translating and applying research outcomes or findings to create tangible benefits for society, industry, or the economy. It implies taking the knowledge, innovations, or technologies generated through research and turning them into practical and valuable solutions.

Valorisation aims to bridge the gap between academic research and real-world applications, playing a pivotal role in overcoming the ‘valley of death,’ a critical stage in innovation where funding is often scarce for transitioning early-stage university research (TRL 1–3) to a functional prototype (TRL 4–7). Collaboration with industry is instrumental in this process. 

What you can expect

The thematic workshop will allow you to share their experience on promoting university-industry collaboration and research valorisation.

It will represent an opportunity for you to discuss and create synergies through sharing experiences and practices, new policy trends, practical and organisational experiences, raising stakeholders’ awareness of the importance of technology transfer for the innovation process. 

As policymakers and practitioners, you will gain from this thematic workshop: 

  • Knowledge of common challenges faced in peer regions in promoting technology transfer and university-industry collaboration. 

  • Identification of potential solutions to address those challenges. 

  • Knowledge on the different organisational set-ups that can be implemented 

  • Knowledge of European funding opportunities and initiatives.  

  • Exchange and synergies across projects.  

  • Collaboration and networking with experts.  



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