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Project training days 2024

for second call projects
24-26 September 2024
In person | Garage | Lille, France
Project training days banner

Three days of trainings

The Interreg Europe project training days brought together the lead partners, finance managers, controllers and communication managers from 78 projects approved in the second call.

The project training days took place on 24-26 September 2024 in Lille, France (Garage, 34 Boulevard Carnot).

Each day focused on a specific aspect of project implementation. 

people in a workshop

Finance training

The first day focused on finance reporting. The training was targeted at lead partners, lead partner finance managers and lead partner’s controllers of Interreg Europe projects.

During the training, we covered information and updates on financial reporting and control procedures and requirements related to the management of Interreg Europe projects. The participants also had the opportunity to discuss finance-related matters with the joint secretariat, finance managers and controllers of other projects.

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workshop participants working on an exercise

Project activities and results training

The second day was dedicated to activities and results. The training was targeted at lead partners of Interreg Europe projects.

It offered an opportunity to learn more about the programme’s expectations related to the reporting of activities, good practices and results, and get useful tips and advice. The participants also got useful tips and advice through practical exercises.

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workshop participants working on an exercise

Communication training

The third day was all about communication. The training was targeted at lead partners and communication managers of Interreg Europe projects. Participants got guidance on the Interreg Europe communication requirements, as well as some helpful advice and tips for making project communication activities as effective and attractive as possible.

In addition, the participants worked on raising awareness about their project and building an engaging online presence through practical exercises and interactive discussions and shared their experiences in a world café.

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event participant putting post-it note on a wall
Profile picture for user katrin.weber@socialcity.at
Project Manager
Social City Vienna - Verein Social Innovation Wien
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