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Croatia | Insights into the energy sufficiency of the region

By Project EXPRESS
First stakeholder meeting in Croatia

In an inspiring environment, the team from PI REDEA presented the EXPRESS project to the participants, which was followed by the working part - SWOT analysis and mapping of the energy sector.

Stakeholders of the EXPRESS project in Croatia are sectoral agencies (Međimurje Energy Agency Ltd., Regional Energy North), research institute (Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar), local and regional government (Međimurje County, Town Prelog), private sector and civil society organizations (Society for Sustainable DevelopmentDesign – DOOR, AAT Geothermae Ltd.) and public sector companies (HEP Group – national energy company, Croatian Chamber of Economy, The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund).

Working in groups and with the open discussion we made a SWOT analysis of energy sufficiency for the northern Croatia.



  • Energy strategy and strategic framework
  • Hydroelectric power plants
  • Solar energy
  • Options for co-financing
  • Innovative solutions in SMEs
  • RDI sector
  • Biogas plants
  • Regional energy agency
  • Experts (multidisciplinary, experienced.)
  • Good practices examples: EACC project, OSATINA group, Nexe (hydrogen valley)
  • Lack of inter-sectoral cooperation and poor coordination between institutions
  • Brain drain, outdated curriculum and lack of experts
  • Underutilized potential of renewable energy sources
  • Financial mechanisms



  • Geothermal potential
  • Capacity, knowledge and expertise increase
  • Decentralization and expansion of competences of local self-government units
  • Technological potential of hydrogen
  • The potential of secondary biomass
  • Connecting with energy associations/communities
  • NZEB (nearly zero-energy building)
  • Bio-economy in tourism, agriculture
  • Price volatility
  • High research costs
  • Frequent change of policies at the EU level
  • Lack of energy storage technology
  • Barriers for energy sharing
  • Inconsistent legislative framework
  • Legal and administrative obstacles
  • Lack of public interest in the topic of energy
  • Aging of the population and attitude in regards to climate changes
  • Outdated electricity network
  • General understanding the concept of energy sufficiency


SWOT analysis will be a useful tool and a starting point for northern Croatian Regional context assessment in which we will analyze the current energy sector operational environment, sources of energy (renewable and non-renewable), level of self-sufficiency, energy consumption, prospects and trends, biggest challenges, points of interest and good practice.

Our next stakeholder meeting will be after the completion of the Regional Contex Assessment.