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Poland | Unveiling our project goals and activities

By Project EXPRESS
First stakeholder meeting in Poland

The EXPRESS project supports European regions in achieving energy independence, facilitating the green energy transformation, and increasing the utilization of renewable energy sources in overall energy production.

To introduce our primary project goals, assumptions, and activities to key stakeholders, on August 31st, 2023, RRDA hosted a meeting attended by institutions operating in the energy sector and organizations responsible for shaping regional policy development. The meeting predominantly focused on presenting the activities completed thus far and those scheduled for the near future. Participants were briefed on the specifics of initial project activities, emphasizing knowledge exchange, experience sharing, and best practices. One of these activities was the 1st study visit to Joensuu, Finland, exploring the topic of electricity and heat generation from biomass. We also briefly discussed upcoming activities, including study visits in Rzeszów, Ireland, and Paris, addressing themes such as sustainable transportation, the future of the hydrogen economy, biogas, windmill energy, and sustainable housing technologies.

Learn more about the EXPRESS project here: