Project summary
GEMS aims at enhancing regional public policies in Europe regarding sustainable groundwater management polluted by high level of nitrates from agricultural sources. The European Environment Agency (EEA) estimates that Europe exceeds the nitrogen leakage limit by 3.3 times and phosphorus leakage limit by 2 times.
Several EU countries report poor water quality in their territory and a systemic problem in managing nutrient pollution from agriculture and others have critical points where pollution is not adequately addressed. A high level of nitrate makes water unsuitable as drinking water. In rivers, lakes and marine waters, nitrogen and other nutrients stimulate the growth of algae. As a result, there is an urgent need to adopt additional measures to achieve the Nitrate Directive objectives and to improve public policies to support these efforts.
GEMS will work and explore the best practices in EU regions on the following topics: Data and monitoring, groundwater quality and pollution, policy, governance and stakeholders’ engagement and integrated water management.
GEMS partnership is composed by 8 public authorities with vast experience and knowledge about groundwater management and problems related with high level of nitrates:
- LP1 – Region of Murcia (DG Water) (ES)
- AP2 – Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (as advisory partner) (ES)
- PP3 - Energy and Water Agency (MT)
- PP4 - the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DK)
- PP5 - Water Research Institute (SK)
- PP6 - Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management. Federal Agency for Water Management (AT)
- PP7 - Grand Est Regional Council (FR)
- PP8 - Flemish Land Agency (BE)
Last Report from the European Commission (covering period 2016-2019), on the application of Council Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates used in agriculture states that the Interreg Europe Program could provide funding to improve the objectives of the Nitrates Directive.