Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The Development Strategy of Pardubice Region 2021-2027 is the main strategic and investment planning document of the Pardubice region, approved by the Pardubice Regional Council in February 2021. It defines the territorial vision for the current programming period, structured in 4 main pillars (each with several priorities and specific objectives): Human resources, Economics, Environment, and Territorial development and cooperation. GH2M addresses the following pillars:
Pillar: C. Environment
Priority C.3. Energy
Specific objective: C.3.1. Improving the use of energy resources
Under the same Pillar, GH2M also addresses:
Priority: C.1 Reducing the negative impacts of human activity on the environment
Specific objective: C.1.1 Reducing the negative impacts of transport
Under C.3 and C.1, the Strategy defines the following measures applicable for promoting green H2 mobility:
-Increasing the use of renewables in tandem with the development of green energy infrastructure
-Improved infrastructure and financial measures to promote the use of alternative fuels in transport
-Development of infrastructure for clean mobility, including H2 infrastructure for production of green H2 and introduction of H2 vehicles
-Raising awareness for the importance of clean mobility
With these specific objectives, the Strategy wants to tackle the increasingly negative impacts of urban and commercial transport (GHG emissions, noise and air pollution) on the environment of the Pardubice region.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 2020-2032 (RSES) provides a high-level policy and development framework for the Northern and Western Region. It provides a 12-year strategy to deliver the transformational change that is necessary to achieve the objectives and vision of the Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA). It includes 5 ‘Growth Ambitions’ in the form of overarching priorities: 1): Economy and Employment, 2) Environment, 3) Connectivity, 4) Quality of Life, and 5) Infrastructure.
GH2M, due to its cross-cutting theme, will primarily focus on two priorities and 3 Regional Policy Objectives (RPOs):
Ambition 3: Connectivity
RPO 6.33: “Reduce dependency on the fossil-fuel powered vehicles and have regard to the National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport”
GH2M, emphasising the integration of H2 infrastructure with renewable energy sources, also equally supports the realisation of:
Ambition 2: Environment
RPO 4.19: “Support the appropriate development of offshore wind energy production through the adequate provision of land-based infrastructure and services, in line with national policy and in a manner that is compatible with environmental, ecological and landscape considerations”
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Development of the Regions Programme 2021-2027, managed at national level by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, is the main territorial development and social cohesion programme in Bulgaria. Its main objective is to create viable, economically strong and sustainable regions, and its specific objectives are to a) address negative demographic trends and reduce regional disparities in terms of population, b) increase the economic growth of Bulgarian regions, and c) promote balanced territorial development through a polycentric network of cities supported by integrated investments.
SZREDA will work on Priority Axis 3: Just transition, which is funded by the Just Transition Mechanism, and as such is specifically designed and addressed to the regions of Stara Zagora, Kustendil and Pernik that undergo extensive socioeconomic transformation. All measures foreseen aim to make territorial growth and mobility both green and digital; the categories of actions targeted are a) implementation of technologies, as well as systems and infrastructure for affordable and available clean energy, and b) investment in intelligent and sustainable local and regional mobility. These are essentially the pillars for building a H2 mobility ecosystem and infrastructure in the region, with particular emphasis on urban mobility and job creation.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The 2021-2027 OP is designed to serve the strategic goal of the Region, namely “sustainable endogenous and extroverted development, based on innovation and assurance of spatial and social cohesion”, to address the fallout of decarbonisation through the diversification of the economy and the increase of innovation capacities. To that end, it comprises five Strategic Objectives (SΟs):
1. Transformation of the economy of the Region, through strengthening competitiveness and productive capacity
2. Effective management of the environment and the resources of the Region
3. Improving regional connectivity and enhancing mobility
4. Strengthening social cohesion and stimulating the labour market of the Region
5. Strengthening spatial cohesion and mitigating the intra-regional inequalities of the Region
GH2M primarily addresses SO2, which prescribes measures on energy diversification and promotion of renewables, and SO3, which includes measures pertaining to mobility and transport. Specifically, participation in the project will enable REGPEL to better address the following:
a) financing of infrastructure promoting clean energy and diversification of the energy mix
b) integrating renewables and promoting investments that further solidify renewables as the main energy source
a) transition to zero-carbon mobility
b) promotion of clean fuels in freight transport
c) modernization of port in terms of clean energy applications
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Energy Transition Agenda is the main territorial policy instrument for outlining the province’s energy transition measures, priorities, and intervention areas with ~2M EUR yearly budget until 2030. Its main goal is to ensure that by 2030, 40% of the energy consumption will be covered by renewable sources and the province will achieve energy neutrality by 2050. It has 5 main pillars, the 4th of which is addressed by GH2M:
Pillar 4: “Energy System of Drenthe”
Specific objective: “Sustainable, reliable and versatile energy system”
Under this pillar and objective, DRENTHE sets a 2030 goal to radically diversify its energy mix, with H2 as an energy carrier with a major role to play in decarbonising mobility, electricity, industry, and heating. The Agenda puts a lot of emphasis on actions related to production, storage, and transportation of H2, to the integration of existing infrastructure with renewable energy sources and the national H2 backbone, and to lead end-use application such as mobility. In particular, for mobility, the Agenda will promote actions that promote a) H2 filling points for transport and b) production of H2 at regional energy hubs.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Integrated Territorial Strategy of the Košice Region 2022-2030 represents a comprehensive long-term strategy for the territory, outlining all aspects pertaining to sustainable development. The Strategy has 5 overarching objectives: 1) Sustainable mobility, 2) Quality and sustainable environment, 3) Modern education, training and sports and quality science, research, and innovation, 4) Sustainable tourism and quality cultural services, 5) Quality and affordable health care, 6) Support of social inclusion and available social care, and 7) Modern technical infrastructure and safety of residents.
GH2M, dealing with a cross-cutting theme, addresses the following:
Obj. Quality and sustainable environment
Aim: Ensure sustainable use and efficient protection of natural resources and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change
Relevant actions:
Promoting the use of RES in energy supply systems - Promote an increased share of RES in energy carriers through biogas treatment technologies, the construction of gas infrastructure, and the construction of green hydrogen production facilities.
Obj.: Sustainable mobility
Aim: Strengthen mobility sustainability and resilience of the transport system
Relevant actions:
Public transport development – Rehabilitation and upgrading of mobile public transport equipment (trams and trolleybuses) and vehicles supplying public transport services (alternative-propulsion buses, including related filling and recharging infrastructure)
Partners working on this policy instrument

AMB’s Climate and Energy Plan 2030 outlines the flagship and ambitious metropolitan strategy concerning energy transition and climate change, essentially being a “plan of plans” that coordinates 4 smaller-scope territorial strategies (Carbon Strategy, Energy Transition Roadmap, Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Mobility Plan).
The Plan sets ambitious goals on carbon-neutrality, energy autonomy, renewable energy production, GHG emissions reduction, and climate change adaptation, and determines corresponding structural, governance, financial, and technical actions. Green energy transition and urban mobility feature prominently as fields, with the Plan setting a goal for a 41% reduction in CO2 (900,000 tCO2eq) by 2030.
GH2M addresses the following priorities of the Plan:
Priority: “ENER-More efficient energy management”
Specific objective: “ENER-6-5: Promote sustainable, low-emission mobility in the AMB”
In the operationalisation of the Plan for 2021-23 (published every 3 years), AMB has allocated an 8M EUR budget for improving the infrastructure of renewable H2 (slightly higher budget expected for 2024-26). The Plan considers an infrastructure roll-out for green H2 mobility specifically for decarbonising transport and promoting renewables. Under ENER-6-5, the Plan will enable the area to achieve a sustainable green H2 production and supply for urban (bus fleets, waste collection vehicles), commercial (freight, logistics), and industry (hydrogen plants) applications.
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The City of Stockholm's Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2024-2030, being currently finalised and distributed, includes a comprehensive set of strategies and measures addressing diverse sectors, aiming to realise the city's vision of a fossil fuel-free and climate-neutral future. The CAP guarantees CO2 reduction through the actions it prescribes, and incorporates a monitoring mechanism aligned with the city's climate budget. GH2M will address the following domains for CO2 and fossil fuel reduction as presented within the CAP:
I) Enhancing the proportion of renewable fuels in light and heavy vehicles.
II) Implementing climate-efficient transport requirements in procurement processes.
Integrating and optimising hydrogen fuel use in these areas will significantly advance the CAP's objectives regarding sustainable mobility, urban infrastructure development, and energy efficiency while also meeting its CO2 reduction targets.
Partners working on this policy instrument