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Successful Stakeholder Meeting Hosted by Baden bei Wien

By Project GreenSPAS

On July 9, 2024, the Austrian project partner Baden bei Wien hosted its first stakeholder meeting at the "At the Park Hotel" near Kurpark Baden. This significant event brought together 13 stakeholders, fostering a collaborative atmosphere to discuss the future of the GreenSPAS project and its implications for the city.


Baden GreenSPAS project managers Harald Gölles and Dávid Huszti led the meeting, providing a comprehensive outline of the project and detailing the city’s role over the next four years. They also shared insights from the recent study visit to Royat, France, which took place last month.

Harald Gölles, in his dual role as a stakeholder and director of the Thermalstrandbad (Baden Lido), highlighted the pioneering measures being implemented at the facility. These include the integration of smart photovoltaic systems and the adoption of resource conserving, energy- efficient operational techniques.

The stakeholders present at the meeting represent a broad spectrum of expertise and experience, which Baden bei Wien can leverage throughout the project.

Participants included representatives from the Baden District Administrative Authority, the Urban Planning Department, the Tourism Department and the Energy Department of Baden. Also Wienerwald Tourismus GmbH, responsible for cross-regional tourism matters is part of the Stakeholders as the sustainably operating swimming pool builder company Berndorf Metall- und Bäderbau GmbH with references worldwide.

In addition, the second biggest dairy in Austria and a pioneer in green energy management and support NÖM AG was also attending the initial meeting like the Badener Kurbetriebsgesellschaft mbH and the Badener Bäderbetriebsgesellschaft mbH responsible for operating spas and baths in Baden, the Tourism Association of Baden and its surrounding Area, and consultant Werner Kuhn for area developing projects.

Last but not least, the local host At the Park Hotel with hotel manager Axel Nemetz is also part of the stakeholder team. This diverse group is poised to contribute valuable insights and support the successful implementation of the GreenSPAS project.

The stakeholder meeting in Baden bei Wien marked a significant step forward for the GreenSPAS project, setting the stage for ongoing collaboration and innovation. The active participation and shared expertise of the stakeholders will be crucial in driving sustainable development and achieving the project’s goals.




Spa towns
Sustainable energy action plan
Water management