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INERTWASTE kicks off in Brussels

people standing

The INERTWASTE project is officially set to go!

The Consortium partners met in Brussels on 22 and 23 May, 2023. During this kick-off meeting they already started  planning the first Transnational Learning Journey, by defining its content. Scheduled for November 2023, the first partners’ exchange will be hosted in Navarra and will focus on the regulatory frameworks for sustainable inert and inorganic waste management. On this occasion, partners will exchange good practices and ideas to improve Navarra’s policies to foster recirculation of inert waste and sit with local industry and company representatives to discuss the challenges and opportunities of waste valorisation in the region.

The kick-off meeting was the occasion for partners to discuss the management and communication parts of the project. Furthermore, each of the four partners presented the context in their region or municipality, including a general description of the territory; regulations and other policy instruments to address in the project; barriers and drivers; project expectations; and any good practices.

Another part of the discussion focused on general aspects of the project’s Interregional Learning,  namely:

  • the transnational learning journey methodology;
  • the stakeholder role in the project and current situation of stakeholder groups in each region; and
  • identification and submission of good practices.

To already give a taste of the upcoming TLJ, Reyno Gourmet enabled partners to try some local products.