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Region Sud's stakeholders share perspectives & expectations

Graph partnership

The first meeting of Region SUD's stakeholders for INERTWASTE took place on 7 June 2023, launching a constructive collaboration for the next 36 months.

The regional stakeholders who will be called to be involved in the project got to know the INERTWASTE project and shared their perspectives and expectations. The meeting was a good opportunity to start developing synergies between the various actors. It was also a first step towards the creation of a set of best practice and shared knowledge to maximise the impact of the INERTWASTE project.

Specific exchanges between participants enabled them to share their perspectives and interests in the project, highlighting several key points :

      • It is interesting to understand regulatory variations between partner countries, especially considering governments with different legislative competencies.
      • There is a need for a common English glossary to facilitate exchanges on waste management, reuse, and recycling.
      • It is important to develop synergies between partners and stakeholders in Europe.
      • The prospect of learning from best practice is attractive for stakeholders.
      • The opportunity to question the concept of "waste" at a European scale, pointing out that this term may not be well suited to inert materials.
      • Focus made on materials' lifecycle management, construction innovations, and methods, with a keen interest in earth construction and the recycling of excavated material in construction.
      • The opportunity to take part in project visits and exchanges with other stakeholders and project partners for future study trips.


Feedback from participants reflects a positive sentiment regarding stakeholder engagement in the INERTWASTE project. The diversity of perspectives demonstrated reinforce the conviction that robust and enduring collaborations can be forged. This initial meeting has laid the foundation for a fruitful partnership rooted in shared expertise and a common vision to transform waste challenges into sustainable opportunities, with a strong commitment to play an active and engaging role in this Interreg Europe project.