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Stakeholders of Region Sud share ideas to feed INERTWASTE

Region Sud SGM2

Last 8 February, stakeholders of the Region Sud met for the second time, marking a crucial stage in the sharing of expertise and collaboration on construction waste management and the recovery of inert and inorganic waste.

This meeting provided an opportunity to present the latest stages of the project, in particular the feedback from the meeting days held in the Navarre region in November, and to share ideas for contributions from the Southern region and its stakeholders for the next stages of the INERTWASTE project.

After a short reminder of the main objectives of the project and importance of mobilising all stakeholders, participants got to know more about the first TLJ that had taken place in Navarra. Region Sud provided detailed feedback on the different session and how the knowledge and French practice have been highlighted and shared during the event. The testimonies of the two stakeholders Jérôme d'Assigny from Valobat and Robin Cres from Neo Eco underlined the density of the days and the richness of the programme, despite the language challenges, and highlighted the lessons learnt from the exchanges with the partners and their stakeholders. As the next TLJ is already being organised, participants discussed who could be joining it and what to present.

A key point of the meeting was to start selecting initiatives that will feed the project’s database of Good Practices. So far, practices potentially identified are related to urban metabolism strategy, building construction project using all inert waste from the site, global circular economy strategy for maximum recycling of inert waste, extended producer responsibility...

Last but not least, Region Sud and its stakeholders are already having in mind the third TLJ that should take place in Marseille in October 2024.