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Strengthening regional stakeholder engagement and commitment


On Wednesday 29 March 2023, the Regional Dissemination Event was carried out in the region of Navarra (Spain). The aim of the event was to present the INERTWASTE project to key regional stakeholders, and gather their feedback. Nearly 20 entities were represented at the event, including waste producers, managers, regional and local authorities, SME and large companies.

The project, focused on the valorisation of inert and inorganic industry and construction waste, received positive feedback from the attendees. However, concerns were raised, for example regarding the different paces at which public authorities and businesses operate. While authorities tend to work at a slower pace (INERTWASTE itself is a 4 year project), companies require faster and more dynamic adaptations to meet regulatory compliance and market demands.

Despite this observation, the overall view towards the project remained optimistic. There was a clear recognition of the need to strengthen business synergies and gain a better understanding of the waste generated and required by different companies. This knowledge would foster stronger collaborations.

The high level of interest expressed during the meeting prompted the request for a survey to be sent to regional stakeholders. This survey captures specific information about the waste generation and needs of each company, their good practices in the project’s framework, and their interest in INTERTWASTE.

In summary, the Regional Dissemination Event was positively received, generating valuable feedback, and helped to strengthen the stakeholders’ engagement and commitment with the project.

Industrial waste