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First stakeholders group meeting in Bucharest – Ilfov

By Project InnoCom

On August 9th Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (BIRDA) organized the first InnoCom Regional Stakeholder Group Meeting. The event was a real successful regional level kick-off meeting benefiting from the participation of a large spectrum of different organizations – in fact an ideal illustration of the quadruple helix principle: local, regional and central public authorities, academia and research institutions, private companies and NGOs. No fewer than 24 representatives were present at the reunion, new evidence that InnoCom’s objective represents a major topic on our region’s public agenda.

The meeting was an opportunity to present an overview of BIRDA’s responsibilities and experience especially related to the Policy Instrument targeted by InnoCom – the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Programme 2021-2027. For a common understanding of the general framework, the Interreg Europe Programme was presented – its objectives, area of intervention, budget and financing priorities.

InnoCom was presented in terms of partnership, overall objective, specific activities and outcomes. Naturally, after familiarizing the stakeholders with the project’s theme, the meeting continued with discussions regarding the participants’ availability and capability to get involved in the exchange of experience and good practices identification processes. The expressions of interest were numerous so overall the stakeholders’ meeting contributed to enhance the visibility of the project’s subject on public agenda and to initiate debates regarding the policy instrument’s architecture.


The event was also a very good occasion for the participating specialists and experts to discuss and share information about all the new projects that are being implemented or will soon be implemented in Bucharest-Ilfov Region in relation to SMEs competitiveness development, by accessing the EU funding opportunities.
Access to finance