Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The general objective of the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 (POR BI) is to contribute to the strategic vision of the Bucharest – Ilfov Region (BIR) by supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive economic development in order to improve living standards and increase resilience to societal challenges. ROP BI contributes to the fulfilment of the regional development objectives established in the Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Plan (BI RDP) 2021-2027 and in the Smart Specialization Strategy RIS3 Bucharest-Iflov (RIS3 BI).
The project will address the Policy Objective (PO1) A more competitive and smarter Europe, by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity, contributing to the achievement of the Strategic Objective (OS2) - Increasing the digitalisation of the economy and public administration and the adoption of the concept of smart city, within the 2nd investment priority - A digitized region. The BIR will share its practices in communicating with businesses (including newsletters, online meetings, personalised support) and seek to transfer improvements toward and from the partnership.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Umbria Region ERDF ROP 2021-27 represents, together with the other Cohesion Policy instruments, the main policy document supporting economic and social development, innovation and green transition in the territory. In line with the 5 priorities established by the EC (Europe more competitive and smarter, greener, connected, social and closer to citizens), the ERDF ROP 2021-27 aims at making Umbria the “Sustainability Valley of Europe”, gearing its specific characteristics as the Green Heart of Italy into an all-encompassing program of sustainable growth, innovation and digitalisation. More than 220M€ are allocated to Obj.1, in order to support the regional economic environment and boost the innovation capacity of local SMEs, their digitalisation processes and their sustainable and competitive growth. The Umbria Region has confirmed the need to provide incentives to promote the creation of an efficient innovation ecosystem in this programming period, while at the same time stimulating digitalisation in SMEs and simplification in the support tools and assistance.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategic objective (OS) is “A smarter Europe”
The specific objective is “Sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments”
2 priorities of the operational programmes are related to this specific objective:
1) the second priority of the operational programme is dedicated to creation and acceleration of companies
The measures in this priority are the following :
o support for the creation (including the creation of innovative companies) or takeover of companies
o support to business start up and to business acceleration (including for innovative companies)
2) the third priority of the operational programme is dedicated to supporting industrial, economic (including CSR) and digital transitions
The measures in this priority are the following :
o support to companies in their strategic development choices (international, digital, new production and marketing concepts and transfer)
o support to strengthen clusters, partnerships and synergies between companies
o support for the development and industrialisation of innovation and research and development (R&D) projects in companies, particularly collaborative projects
o support to the performance and industrial transition of SMEs
Partners working on this policy instrument

Carlow County Development Plan 2022-2028 sets the strategy for planning and sustainable development, development management standards, policies and objectives, and references statutory guidelines to inform decision making. The approach centres on a core principle of sustainability with a focus on regeneration, economic development supported by vibrant, liveable, climate resilient communities. The Plan is consistent with the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy.
•Promote Carlow Town as a driver of regional and inter-regional economic growth;
•Maximise the County’s economic assets including third level institutes, its strategic location proximate to Dublin and Waterford along the M9 and the Midlands along the N80, attractive towns, villages and rural areas;
•Maintain, adapt and promote sufficient employment areas in District Towns of Tullow and Muine Bheag;
•Ensure the benefits of economic growth and prosperity are spread to all parts of the County;
•Maintain and promote a broad economic and employment base and enterprise development in the County;
•Encourage, support and facilitate research, technology development and innovation as well as start-ups with high potential;
•Deliver on the Local Economic and Community Plan and any updates thereto; and
•Promote the rural economy by facilitating diversification, supporting appropriate rural resource-based industries with a viable and vibrant network of smaller towns and villages.
Partners working on this policy instrument

2021-2027 Regional Development Program, it is objective -
There are nine priorities in the program.
Entrepreneurship entails the following:
Priority 3 Competitiveness and business growth
The goal is to encourage the creation of a favourable environment for entrepreneurship by arranging business infrastructure in local governments and coordinating the Penta helix collaboration model.
Action 3.1. Development of a business-friendly environment and infrastructure planning
Action 3.2. Transfer of knowledge and technology in the Zemgale economic specialization and RIS 3 branches
Action 3.3. Increasing capacity to attract investment and financial capital
Action 3.4 Attracting human capital, enhancing entrepreneurship, and expanding open innovation capabilities (incl. In tourism)
Action 3.5 Promote local and global competitiveness
Action 3.6 Promoting tourist product and service supply and competitiveness
Partners working on this policy instrument

ROP Centru is an ERDF - funded programme, built according to the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and contains investments related to all 5 policy objectives. The programme's strategic vision is to ensure that Centru Region becomes a cleaner and more attractive region for its inhabitants and tourists, with a competitive economy based on knowledge and innovation in which the environmental care and the rational and sustainable use of resources will be the goal of every citizen. The focus under PI 1, the policy instrument tackled, is to support investments in the RIS3 sectors by unlocking the innovative potential of the regional business and R&I infrastructures. The actions included under PI 1, SO a(i) “Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies”, aims at strengthening the regional RDI capacity and support the cooperation among R&I and private infrastructure in order to create new or improved products, processes, practices, methods or services in line with RIS3 priorities. Within this SO, partnerships and collaborative programmes are envisaged and the integration of the regional stakeholders in knowledge communities and support of international/interregional partnerships are supported.
Partners working on this policy instrument