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Interreg INVOLVIM Project Kick-off in Seinäjoki, Finland

The group of INVOLVIM project participants poses in front of a typical Finnish red brick building housing the immigration office "Moni," where they had a study visit.

Seinäjoki, Finland | June 18th - 19th, 2024

The Interreg project INVOLVIM launched with a dynamic kick-off and steering committee meeting in Seinäjoki, Finland, from June 18th to 19th, 2024. This event united partners and stakeholders to strategize on enhancing the integration of work-based immigrants through voluntary and informal services. The project aims to leverage the knowledge gained across different European regions to improve political instruments related to immigrant integration.

Event Highlights

The meeting began with partners sharing their roles and contributions, setting a collaborative tone for the project. SIMHE, an initiative supporting immigrants in higher education, was presented by the University of Vaasa. Participants visited MONI-info, Seinäjoki's immigration service office, to observe effective local immigration practices. The Wiise Association presented its successful work integration services for immigrants, offering a replicable model. A visit to Lapua’s Jokilaakson matkailupuutarha garden highlighted community efforts in cultural and social integration. A thematic workshop titled “Who is Responsible for Integration?” sparked meaningful discussions on shared responsibilities in immigrant integration. The day concluded with a networking dinner at Nature House Käpälikkö, providing a relaxed environment for networking and idea exchange.

Participants in the "Who is Responsible for Integration?" workshop are actively discussing strategies for immigrant integration, seated around tables with papers, fostering collaborative dialogue.


Project Planning and Local Challenges

A detailed overview of the project’s main activities was presented, followed by discussions on local needs and challenges faced by each partner region. This collaborative approach aimed to develop targeted strategies for effective immigrant integration. The objective is to enhance political instruments by incorporating the diverse experiences and knowledge gained from different European regions throughout the project.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Special thanks to Terhi Lake and Sanna Inkeri for hosting the event. We also appreciate the contributions of our guests: Sanna Valkosalo and Kukka-Maaria Huhta-Koivisto from the University of Vaasa, Terhi Hunnakko from MONI-info in Seinäjoki, Jiuliano Prisada, Paul Fairchild, and Mark Wiltshear from Etelä-Pohjanmaan WIISE, and the dedicated volunteers from Iisi in Lapua.

Paving the Way Forward

The kick-off meeting of the Interreg project INVOLVIM in Seinäjoki set a strong foundation for collaborative efforts in improving the integration of work-based immigrants. The exchange of best practices and strategic planning sessions underscored the commitment of all partners to this crucial endeavor. The insights and strategies developed will be instrumental in enhancing political instruments and achieving the project’s goals across different European regions.

Participants were seated around tables arranged in rows, listening attentively as our coordinator delivered a presentation. Laptops and papers were in front of them, indicating active engagement and note-taking. The setting was organized and conducive to collaborative learning and discussion, highlighting the structured approach to project coordination and information sharing.