Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
South Ostrobothnia Regional Strategy brings together the South Ostrobothnia Regional Plan 2050, the Regional Programme 2022-2025 and the Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021-2027. The Regional Strategy recognises concerns about the demographic development of the region. The long-term goal of the strategy is to adapt to declining demographics and to stabilise the demographic structure on a sustainable basis. The regional strategy proposes doubling net immigration compared to 2019 levels as one of the solutions.
There are two main priorities in the Regional Programme 2022-2025 where we seek policy improvements:
Firstly, 2.1 Sustainable population structure which has three main focus areas:
- Strengthening the attractiveness of the region in the eyes of current and new inhabitants as well as people returning to the region
- Creating a well-functioning environment for families of all sizes and shapes
- Ensuring opportunities to work, study and use services locally.
Secondly, 3.2 Competent labour force and high-quality working life has objective of
- Promoting the recruitment of foreign labour.
Partners working on this policy instrument
Centro Regional Programme 2021-2027 with €2.2B in EU funds, funds regional investments via ERDF and ESF+. It aligns with EU Cohesion Policy, targeting economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability, and overall regional development.
Municipality of Fundão, in Priority 4, emphasizes quality employment, education, skills, social inclusion and healthcare access.
- SO 4.8 aligns with the European Semester, promoting active inclusion and enhancing employability for disadvantaged groups. Under the "Promotion of active participation, equal opportunities, and non-discrimination of vulnerable groups," socially disadvantaged groups are targeted, including homeless individuals, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, immigrants, and elderly at risk of social exclusion.
- SO 4.11 addresses timely access to quality, sustainable services, focusing on housing, person-centered care, and modernizing social protection systems. In the "Increase the quality and diversify the provision of services" typology, the program targets those at risk of exclusion, such as the elderly, single-parent families, ethnic minorities, immigrants, and those facing difficulties accessing digital services.
Centro Program aims to promote childbirth, childhood support, access to employment, entrepreneurship, and qualified employment. It strives for a balance between professional and family life, qualifying the active population, encouraging healthy aging, and attracting migrants.
Partners working on this policy instrument
There’s no action in the strategy, dedicated precisely to the end-users. However, the strategy sets City’s development goals and key directions - harmonious living space, increasing bonding of Płock residents, creating incentives to settle in Płock, promoting self-help and social networks. The strategy takes precedence over other municipal documents of a lower level. The basis of its implementation system is the linking of the strategy with other City’s policies, which define tasks and detailed implementation plans for specific projects.
Selected actions:
a. increasing involvement, bonding and identification of Płock residents (including immigrants)
b. Promoting self-help, building local activity and support networks (including immigrants)
c. Creating incentives to stay and settle in Płock, including the introduction of preferences for residents (including immigrants)
The strategy was developed based on studies, social and stakeholder participation, which referred to a relatively homogeneous community back then. Work-based immigrant groups were not significantly noticeable. Recently we’ve seen a much higher activity of other nationalities. It’s due to changes in labour opportunities, with teams of workers showing up in line with the demand in the local economy. These changes have also raised societal and economic concerns that haven’t yet been articulated.
Partners working on this policy instrument
Long-term development program (DRP) of the Litija 2023-2030, which is under preparation and is planned to be approved by the end of 2023 or early 2024, is a key local policy instrument. Purpose of preparing the new DRP is to re-analyse the situation in the municipality, review the activities carried out in the past program period, and set new development goals and determine the priority projects of the municipality in the years 2023-2030.
The aim of DRP is to ensure coherent spatial development of Litija. Litija will ensure better conditions for living and working, which includes both the creation of conditions for the economic development of the municipality, education, work and cultural development of citizens, as well as ensuring sustainable development that raises the quality of life of citizens. With the DRP, the municipality will identify projects that will be implemented until 2030 and will be included in the municipality's annual budgets.
DRP has been structured in the following way: Analysis of the state, Set goals, Development directions, Measures and Summary. Measures include concrete projects under each defined priority with detailed description and financial framework for each of the project. The most relevant priority is the second one: 2. Care for citizens, education and development of individuals, area Care for young, elderly, socially weak and disadvantaged target groups of citizens.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The Local Economic and Community Plans(LECP) support sustainable development of counties. It's a statutory document which form the local element of the national development framework and support collaboration to increase the quality of life in our communities. Primary aim of the LECP is to set the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of the area, both by the Local Authority directly and in partnership with other stakeholders.
The LECP is developed through the Strategic Policy Committee for Economic Development and Enterprise (Economic elements) while the Local Community Development Committee develop the community elements. The final draft plan must be approved by both the Municipal District Committees (Local Authority members) and the Regional Assembly. The LECP has a statutory linkage with the regional plans and must align with them, bringing a regional dimension to the plan. The adoption of the plan is a reserved function of the Local Authority.
The LECP is currently in the final stage of consultation (approval by 9/2023), with specific actions yet to be delineated. Most relevant high level goals are:
1.Louth will work with all communities to ensure they can reach their full economic and social potential.
3.Louth will work to promote healthy, inclusive , diverse, and resilient neighbourhoods.
These will be broad enough that stakeholders can facilitate programmes that will underpin integration.