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JUSTGREEN Local Stakeholder Meeting – Rotterdam

Photo from above of people sitting at a big table and talking to each other

As part of the JUSTGREEN project, all partners regularly engage with their local stakeholders to ensure that greening policies reflect the actual needs and perspectives of citizens. On September 5th, 2024, the JUSTGREEN Rotterdam team held their first local Stakeholder Meeting at Aktiegroep Oude Westen. This citizens' initiative, with over 50 years of history, began as a protest against large-scale demolition plans in the Oude Westen district. With its deep roots in community organizing, the venue provided an ideal setting for bringing together Rotterdam’s stakeholders.

JUSTGREEN’s mission is to weave social equity into urban greening and climate adaptation strategies, aiming for green spaces that are not only ecologically sound but also socially just and beneficial to all residents—especially the most vulnerable. To achieve this, we first needed an understanding of the current state of greening policy, as seen through the eyes of local stakeholders. The group reflected on these issues using the JUSTGREEN Scorecard as a guide.

The diverse mix of participants included those involved in green initiatives, representatives from social and health sectors, social housing corporations, and advocates for social justice. By emphasizing the social dimension, we aimed to balance the often dominant technical aspects of greening projects. Bridging these two worlds—technical and social—is crucial for fostering justice in urban greening, and the perspectives offered by our social stakeholders were invaluable in sparking interdisciplinary dialogue.

Wheel that shows the amount privilige or disadvantage people experience related to climate disruption based on their identities

In order to dedicate as much time as possible to reflection, we translated the Scorecard’s statements into Dutch and asked stakeholders to complete it in advance. Following a brief introduction to the JUSTGREEN project and a presentation on the Green Agenda and Climate Justice Rotterdam, we opened up the floor for an open dialogue around the Scorecard’s themes.

The session was both critical and collaborative. Participants felt comfortable sharing their honest perspectives, including more challenging viewpoints. One topic that sparked critical discussion was the collaboration between the social and physical domains within the City of Rotterdam. Inequality in the distribution and quality of green spaces was a key concern, often linked to broader inequalities in city policies. Participants pointed out that areas only seem to receive improvements when they’re being developed for wealthier residents. Another key issue was the varied experiences of green spaces. What do we do when residents simply don’t want more green in their neighbourhoods? Do we respect that, or do we explore radically different ways to create healthy environments?

Overall, the meeting highlighted a focus on addressing systemic issues rather than simply treating the symptoms. Tackling the root causes of inequality in urban greening may require actions that extend beyond our current frameworks and parameters, possibly even our understanding of greening. We’re excited to continue this journey together. The insights from this session underscore the importance of JUSTGREEN project.

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