Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The ERDF Regional Programme (RP) 2021-2027 of the Emilia-Romagna Region (RER) provides at the Priority 2-Clean, safe and accessible energy common objectives, in order to faster ecological transition, also according to other plans, such as the "Patto per il lavoro e il clima", the S3 Strategy which identified “Clean, safe and accessible energy” as a cross sectoral area towards a decrease of EP by developing ECs using renewable resources, and also it’s being integrated with other financial and technical tools (e.g. NextGenerationEU).
The “reference priority” of LEEWAY project is Priority 2 of RP, developing energy communities (ECs) actions under SO 2.2 about the promotion of RES in accordance with Directive (EU)2018/2001, especially referring to measure 2.2.3: to support the creation of ECs to favour both a better implementation of distributed generation and an increase in the energy efficiency of consumption, with a focus on vulnerable users. These programmes, as the RP, focused on the growing impact of EP related both to a high income and use of non-renewable energy sources, as well as a raising energy costs which threaten vulnerable users inside the Region areas. Consequently the EP is an important issue that concerns the Region, which has started a path, leading to Agenda 2030 and Green Deal goals, but also trying to achieve short term effects providing tools, services and financial support through the policy instrument, to help the high amount of vulnerable users.
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The Heat Transition Plan (HTP) is part of the Climate Programme of the City, structured around 4 pillars: heat, climate adaptation, energy and renovation. The Plan mapped the potential for collective vs individual heat solutions, optimising sustainable heat solutions to create synergies with public construction, also providing recommendation in big constructions and advices to individual owners on the best options for their renovations. HTP should be also considered in coordination with the energy pillar which consists of two sources of electricity: sun and wind. For this, a map with the potential for solar energy is being developed. In addition, the city is introducing a citizen cooperation system that allow citizens to invest in solar energy on city buildings. Roeselare is also part of a Flemish city deal on energy-sharing in apartment blocks, which investigates the possibilities and barriers for collective sustainable energy solutions in apartments. Lastly, the renovation pillar is developed through the concept of energy neighbourhoods. Four neighbourhoods have individualised approach that takes into account specific characteristic of the people, houses and possibilities. In other words, the HTP supports renovation strategies. As some areas are identified as preferably collective, there is a window of opportunity for a REC. This impacts the necessary depth of renovation and allows vulnerable households to escape from Energy Poverty by joining this collective initiative.
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The project of European Funds for Silesia 2021-2027 is a multi-fund ERDF/ESF/JTF OP have been directly keyed to the goals of the Development Strategy of the Silesian Voivodeship “Silesia 2030” – Green Silesian and Regional Innovation Strategy for the Silesian Voivodeship 2030. The project of European Funds for Silesia 2021-2027 indicate 7 priorities:
• Intelligent Silesia;
• Ecological Silesia;
• Mobile Silesia;
• Better Connected Silesia;
• Social Silesia ESF+;
• Silesia for inhabitants;
• and Silesia closer to citizens.
A part of the Programme is also a Territorial Just Transition Plan.
The activities undertaken as part of the LEEWAY project will verify the existing policies regarding to renewable energy in Silesia. Thanks to the Observatory's activities (stakeholders in the project) in the field of energy and environmental protection and results of the technological foresight which is planned to undertake under the third edition of the project “The Network of the Regional Specialist Observatories in the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process in the Silesian Voivodeship”, it will be possible to redefine and update the region's technological development directions, and through this to update the European Funds for Silesia Programme.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The climate protection concept is intended to ensure that everything possible is done at the local level to ensure that noTHG emissions occur within the urban area as early as 2035. To achieve this, the following seven strategy areas will be addressed:
• Climate protection as a cross-sectional task: basic principles for the implementation of other and ensure acceptance and knowledge transfer in the population for climate protection.;
• Climate-neutral new construction: no additional THG emissions are emitted by new construction projects in Pfaffenhofen in the future. e.g. high efficiency standards, a PV obligation and other sustainability aspects;
• Climate-friendly building stock (renovation) by 2035: reduction in energy demand of about 50% is needed through high-quality and accelerated renovations;
• Climate-friendly heat by 2035: the switch to fossil-free energy sources in the heating sector;
• 100% renewable electricity generation by 2030:. to meet the increasing demand, local generation capacities must be massively expanded;
• Climate Neutral Administration 2030: as a role model, the administration achieves the state of climate neutrality, which also meets high definitional standards, as one of the first actors in the city.
• Climate-friendly mobility by 2035:
reduce GHG emissions from transport by 100% by 2035, through shift to electric mobility, expansion of public transportation, cycling and walking, and land redistribution.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Town of Prelog has a clear vision to improve its development in the next years. Prelog has, among other things, signed the Agreement of Mayors from 2013 and in 2016 has completed the Development Strategy, wich included environmental protection and sustainable space and resource management.The SECAP was brought in 2020 as the next step in strengthening adaptation to climate changes. It provides overviews of the risks identified and the assessment of vulnerabilities and risks due to climate change.
In terms of mitigation measures, the Town of Prelog mainly focuses on the sectors of energy, transportation and building, while in terms of adaptation to climate change it is most vulnerable in the sectors of agriculture, forestry, water resources and public health. According to the Covenant of Mayors, the obligation to revise the SECAP in connection with the implementation of measures from the SECAP arises. Our goal is to define measures and activities implemented so far and make a plan for further implementation for the next period. Due to current energy crises, increased prices of energy an Next Gen.EU (which will finance the Eu Green Deal) we plan to implement and adopt a new set of proposal from the EUCommission during the revision of SECAP of the Town of Prelog. This to boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy and to stop climate change, revert biodiversity loss and cut pollution.
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