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MINEV Stakeholders meeting in Central Macedonia

By Project MINEV

The inaugural meeting of the Local Support Group for the Region of Central Macedonia marked a significant milestone. Comprising four key stakeholders, including FODSA, HELEXPO, the Direction of Environment of the Region of Central Macedonia, and the Direction of Recycling of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the meeting was conducted online with representatives from each stakeholder.

The primary objective of the meeting was mutual acquaintance, with the project partner providing an overview of the MINEV project's goals and activities. Emphasis was placed on the pivotal role played by each stakeholder. Participants introduced themselves and shared their experiences related to waste management issues.

A follow-up meeting was scheduled after the project implementation meeting in Bologna, and the presence of stakeholders at the Workshop for Exchange of Experiences & Study Visit in Bologna was discussed. The group emphasised its commitment to disseminating modern waste management solutions, drawing inspiration from good practices and MINEV project experiences. This is particularly crucial for the Region of Central Macedonia, given the regular occurrence of large events generating substantial waste volumes, mainly recyclables.

The importance of timing "Study Visits" to coincide with major local events in the host city was underscored to integrate them seamlessly into the study experience. Looking ahead to the second phase of the project, the focus shifted to the monitoring phase. The Region of Central Macedonia, with support from the consulting partner ACR+, will organise an Interregional Workshop titled "Workshop to Follow-up Results" in Thessaloniki. This workshop, featuring physical presence, will be co-organised with a Study Visit, allowing partners to witness the MINEV project's results during the implementation of a large event.

Exchange of experience