Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
It is funded by ERDF, ESF+, the Cohesion Fund, the JTF and the EMFAF and it is the successor of the previous Regional Operation Programme “Kentriki Makedonia 2014-2020".
It covers:
- Priority 1 “Productive Competitive Transformation of Central Macedonia” (ERDF);
- Priority 2 “Support of Green and Sustainable Development in Central Macedonia” (ERDF); ç
- Priority 3 “Ensuring inter-connectivity of Central Macedonia» (ERDF);
- Priority 4A “Promotion of Social Cohesion in Central Macedonia” (ERDF);
- Priority 4AB “Promotion of Social Cohesion in Central Macedonia” (ESF+) and
- Priority 5 “Integrated Spatial Development of Central Macedonia” (ERDF).
The Specific Objective RSO2.6 “Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy” of the Priority 2; and the Objective 2 of the Just Transition Fund (JTF) “A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation risk prevention and management, and sustainable urban mobility” aim at contributing to the transition to a more circular economic model in the region, the minimization of waste production by citizens and increased reuse, recover and recycle playing a central role for it.
It is these objectives of Regional Operational Programme “Kentriki Makedonia” 2021-2027 and their measures that are expected to be impacted by MINEV.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The City Council of Malaga approved the Malaga Climate Plan 2050 (ALICIA) the 11th July 2020.
This strategic plan started to be written in December 2018 and is connected to the Urban Agenda of Malaga 2015, which is connected in turn with the Urban Agenda of the United Nations.
This instrument aims to the achievement of carbon neutrality in the city by 2050. The plan sets up axes and strategic lines of action but also offers an analysis of the CO2 emissions since 2002 as well as different scenarios foreseen for 2030 and 2050 and assesses risks and vulnerabilities related to climate change neighbourhood by neighbourhood.
ALICIA is structured into the following axes:
Urban Model
Urban Metabolism
Social Cohesion and Economic Development
The Axis “Urban Metabolism” is the one that can be mostly impacted by MINEV, specifically:
Strategic Line 18: Zero Waste; Action 18.1: Development and implementation of Zero Waste Strategy.
Strategic Line 19: Green Procurement; Action 19.1: Inclusion in every tender at least one indicator related to emissions and compensatory action for them.
Strategic Line 20: Circular and Local Economy; Action 20.1: Promotion of Local Circular Economy.
Strategic Line 21: Responsible Consumption and Healthy Diet; Action 21.1: Good Practices of Consumption
ALICIA has an annual budget. The budget for 2022 is 619,341.00€. For the following years similar allocations will be provided on an annual basis.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Klaipeda Waste Management Plan 2022-2024 was approved on 08/04/2022 and entered into force from this date. It will be updated into a revised version for the period 2024-2027 so that it will be both of them that will be impacted by the project.
The specific objectives of the plan are:
1. To promote waste prevention by ensuring that the amount of municipal waste generated in the territory of Klaipėda region decreases or at least remains stable in the conditions of economic growth;
2. Increase the recycling of biodegradable waste by reducing the amount of biodegradable waste landfilled
3. Promote the efficient use of natural and other resources by increasing the recycling and use of municipal waste
4. Ensure that municipal waste is managed in accordance with the legal requirements for environmental protection and public health safety.
Chapter 1 is dedicated to education and awareness raising on waste prevention and the development of re-use.
Chapter 2 deals with the collection and management of biodegradable waste;
Chapter 3 deals with more efficient collection of packaging waste and secondary raw materials;
Chapter 4 deals with environmental and public safety and health (hygiene requirements, odors in waste collection and management processes, correct waste collection and sorting).
All will be addressed through the project.
The plan in force has an allocation of 10,8 mln for 2022; 12,2 mln for 2023 and 12,2 mln for 2024, to ensure proper waste management in Klaipeda City.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Metropolitan Strategic Plan was produced in 2018 and approved by the Metropolitan Council. It is in force and is periodically updated and monitored.
This is the main policy instrument of the Metropolitan City of Bologna. The plan identifies 7 strategic lines of intervention which orientate the work of the Metropolitan City, the Municipalities and the Unions of Municipalities towards medium and long-term aims.
I. Sustainable, responsible and attractive metropolitan area
II. Urban and environmental regeneration
III. Mobility
IV. Manufacture, new industry and training
V. Culture, knowledge, creativity and sport
VI. Education and learning
VII. Health, welfare and wellbeing.
Particularly relevant for the project is Line of action 5, which involves the promotion of culture, knowledge, creativy and sports – deployed usually through large events. The reason to address it is the number of massive cultural and sports events taking place in Bologna which produce a huge impact in terms of waste.
Currently there is an absence of reference in the policy instrument with regard to making large events in the metropolitan area greener. By impacting Line 5, the large events in the cultural and sports fields could be born with waste minimization as a pillar of their planning.
It should be stressed that the Metropolitan Strategic Plan also includes actions to promote sustainability and circular economy in other lines, but it is deemed strategic addressing Line 5.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Municipality of Krakow is obliged to maintain cleanliness and order in its area. This is a statutory obligation.
The commune's duties in this respect include: covering all property owners in the commune with the system municipal waste management, establishing selective collection of municipal waste and conduct information and educational activities in the correct municipal waste management, in particular in the field of separate collection of municipal waste.
At the local level rules of selective collection of municipal wastes are set out in the "Regulations of Maintenance of the Cleanliness and Order in the Municipality of Krakow". Regulations are adopted by resolution of the City Council.
The Regulations addressed are one of the most important acts of local law in force in the commune, regulating the basic principles for collecting municipal waste and maintaining law and order in the commune, including, among others, which waste containers should be equipped with the property, what will be the frequency of waste collection, what are the requirements for snow removal from real estate and many others.
The "Regulations of Maintenance of the Cleanliness and Order in the Municipality of Krakow" provide the framework and define the rules for waste management in the area of the municipality. They can be updated as needed.
Partners working on this policy instrument