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Sustainable practices highlighted by Krakow stakeholders

By Project MINEV

The second Krakow stakeholders meeting of the MINEV project took place on 27 February 2024, at the Climate Education Center of the Municipality of Krakow. The meeting focused on discussing sustainable practices and future plans for the project.

Małgorzata Tylek from the Krakow Festival Office shared insights on the institution's implementation of ecological and sustainable practices. These include using local, low-emission catering, eliminating gadgets, and replacing paper application forms, tickets, and invitations with electronic versions. The initiatives also extend to employees, featuring a platform for exchange among staff and the "on a bike to work" campaign. Anna Krupiarz from the Krakow Festival Commission provided details on how their activities contribute to minimising waste generation, further promoting environmental consciousness within the community.

Project manager Michal Gelata presented updates on the MINEV project, including the project timeline and the agenda for the upcoming seminars. The third seminar is scheduled for July 2024 in Klaipeda, and the fourth seminar will take place in Krakow in autumn 2024. The presentation was followed by a discussion on proposed events and activities for the fourth seminar in Krakow, emphasising the importance of communication and promotion through social media.

Anna Kwaśniak and Karolina Zarazka from the Sport Infrastructure Management Board of Krakow shared their experiences from the Workshop for Exchange of Experiences & Study Visit held in Bologna, Italy, on 22-23 November 2023. Their presentation covered key environmental criteria for organising events, event certification, incentives for pro-ecological activities, and waste management practices observed in the Emilia Romagna region.

The final presentation, delivered by Agata Świeczka, advisor for climate and environment at the Krakow City Hall, focused on a practical approach to using a carbon footprint calculation tool. She demonstrated a step-by-step method for calculating the carbon footprint of an organised meeting, using a 2023 conference as an example.

The next stakeholders' meeting is scheduled to take place after the third project seminar in Klaipeda, during the third semester. The ongoing discussions and collaborations aim to reinforce the MINEV project’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

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