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With MINEV - more sustainable celebrations in Klaipeda

By Project MINEV

If it weren't for the Interreg project MINEV, this Christmas in Klaipėda would have been a different story.

Thanks to MINEV, we've had the opportunity to connect with colleagues from across Europe, learning valuable lessons on how to minimise waste during large-scale events. The positive impact of these lessons is already evident in the festive celebrations in Klaipėda.

Enter the first achievement of the Klaipėda Regional Waste Management Center (KRWMC) – the beautifully presented initiative by 'Klaipėdos šventės.' In Klaipėda's Theatre Square Christmas Town, you can now enjoy hot drinks served in sustainable edible cups.

Ordinary disposable cups pose a significant environmental problem as they are often not recyclable, being made of paper-plastic alloys. However, the Christmas Cupffee, generously provided by KRWMC, ensures that even if you choose not to consume them, they will disappear without leaving any harmful trace on nature.

Wishing you happy winter holidays and a sustainable Christmas filled with the joy of delicious cups!

Source: www.kratc.lt

Circular economy