Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Regional Programme “European Funds for the Malopolska Region in 2021-2027. Malopolska the Future” is a programme designating the main areas of intervention of EU funds in the region. Its aim is a comprehensive development of the region, focused on growth Investment for jobs and growth. One of the goals of CP4 is to strengthen the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation. Under the specific objective 4vi, intervention will be supported (implemented by regional entities) in the area of culture and sustainable tourism, contributing to stimulating broadly understood socio-economic development through participation in culture and creative use of cultural heritage. The planned activities include support in the area of culture and tourism, which will enable these sectors to rebuild the Małopolska economy after the COVID-19 crisis. It is planned to support entities conducting cultural activity, which will contribute to increasing public participation in culture and increasing social integration. The created public spaces will constitute open meeting places and the use of the cultural offer.
The undertaken intervention will contribute to the reduction and elimination of barriers hindering access to cultural goods. Thanks to support in the field of adapting tourist facilities and trails to the needs of people with disabilities, accessibility will be ensured in a possibly equal way with other people.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The main features of the policy instrument are:
To positively influence the development of tourism towards a regenerative and GREEN destination, where rural and urban qualities are in balance, where all actors related to tourism cooperate, and where the local residents are involved in both the planning of the vision and its execution.
Qualitative growth over quantitative growth with a focus on the protection and improvement of rural qualities & cultural heritage and sustainable mobility.
Spreading tourism in time and place by enticing guests to visit lesser known locations during all seasons.
Connecting the true (cultural & geographical) DNA of South Limburg to tourism by changing the existing narrative that is built on ‘hills & attractions’ to a narrative that is more in balance with the true DNA & culture of the region.
Continual rejuvenation of the touristic product, working on a better balance between demand and supply, providing for (multimodal) accessibility and attracting guests who want to connect to the true DNA of South Limburg.
Promoting and improving the innovation and the adaption to climate change of businesses; stimulating entrepreneurs to make the connection with the true (cultural) DNA of South Limburg and thus adapt their product to the guests that want to connect with that DNA.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Maramures County Council (MCC) is responsible for county policy. The Sustainable Development Strategy of Maramures County is the main policy instrument of county. Its goal is to achieve social&territorial cohesion and increasing the economic competitiveness of the county. MCC is responsible for the elaboration and implementation of SDSMC 2021-2027, involving local stakeholders, regional and national experts. MCC is also responsible for updating the policy instrument to include improvements related to access of persons with disabilities to culture and institutions, due to the interregional learning achieved within project. The strategy has the following objectives: 1. Supporting the transition to an economy capable of successfully coping with current transformations and future challenges through a better connection to large markets, infrastructure and support services for business and innovation, respectively, investments in the adaptation and flexibility of the labour force; 2. Satisfying the needs and the right of citizens to have access to decent living conditions and fair opportunities for personal development by improving access to infrastructure and quality public services; 3. Ensuring good governance and strengthening the capacity of local public administrations to manage development, territorial cooperation and partnership with citizens, the private and non-governmental sectors. OpenRegioCulture with its potential might incfluence the second and third objective.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The targeted policy instrument is the Regional Development Programme of Hajdú-Bihar County, which provides a framework for the county's development scheme for the period 2021-2027.
This is a medium-term plan which describes in detail the development priorities, defines the specific interventions and measures to be implemented within the framework of the priorities and reviews the framework and conditions for implementation. This policy serves as the underlying regional strategic document for the definition of the national Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme (TSDOP) that provides the funding for the implementation of measures defined at regional level by the 19 Hungarian county governments.
The development objectives include a specific measure (Measure 3.10 within Priority 3 “Complex development of the county’s economy”) dedicated to “Developing the leisure economy: sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage” and another one (Measure 4.4 within Priority 4: “Improvement of accessibility in Hajdú-Bihar County”) dedicated to “Strengthening ICT applications, strengthening digital infrastructure, ensuring accessibility”.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The main relevant Specific Objective of ROP Sterea Ellada 2021-2027 is “RSO4.6. Strengthening the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation”.
RSO4.6 is expected to upgrade the cultural stock and tourism dynamics of RoCG, and to strengthen the economic development of the Region. The strong development features of RoCG include global landmarks of cultural heritage, cultural infrastructures and spatial units with potential for tourism development. Upgrading cultural stock and facilitate access to it can contribute to strengthening local development and increase inclusion.
Emphasis will be placed on communicating the value of cultural goods across social groups; interventions are also planned for non-Greek speakers.
The interventions of SO 4.vi (ERDF) are part of strategic Priority 4.1 and actions envisaged include:
-Protection and development of (alternative) tourism infrastructure and services;
-Protection, promotion and exploitation of cultural infrastructures;
-Protection, promotion and exploitation of valuable natural heritage sites and strengthening access to them.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The FEDER FSE+ 2021-2027 program for Corsica aims at six key priorities.Two of them are particulary addressed to the social issues. First one aims at fight against economic, social, and territorial inequalities, ensuring access to essential services such as health and education, with the support of the FSE+ to promote social and professional integration. In the second, Corsica seeks to promote balanced economic development across its entire territory, targeting the enhancement of natural, cultural, and built heritage and invigorating disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. These priorities, adopted for the 2021-2027 period, will be realized through integrated territorial investments.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Riga Region Development Programme for 2022-2027 (Programme) is a regional mid-term spatial development planning document, which sets out priorities for regional development, the objectives to be achieved and a concrete set of measures in order to implement the strategic goals set out in the Riga Planning Region Sustainable Development Strategy for 2014-2030. Document demonstrates the links between the development priorities, SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals), and other international, national, regional, and local policies.
The Programme is owned and developed under management of the RPR, involving planning specialists and stakeholders in the development process. The Programme is approved by the Development Council of RPR consisting of heads of municipalities of the region. The Programme tends to incorporate cultural and natural heritage protection, landscape planning, green infrastructure planning, and other more place-based planning challenges.
The objective addressed focuses on the development of a comprehensive regional tourism offer. It is one of the main challange of the document. The actions to improve policies regarding inclusive tourism in Riga Region will be defined through the project activities and will mark the roadmap for the development of more inclusive regional tourism offer.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The “Kulturentwicklungsplanung “or KEP is a cultural development plan for and by the City of Wiesbaden, aimed – among other goals - to reach out for a broader and more diverse public.
Within the field of action:
• Development of a cross-departmental concept on cultural education, with the participation of associations, multipliers and institutions, so that the needs of the various target groups are reconciled. For this purpose, an inventory and needs assessment is carried out.
• Development of suitable offer formats for various target groups: children, young people and students, migrants and people with special needs, for example the development of funding formats to support cultural education in schools, to promote projects for intercultural exchange and to finance offers and support needs from the field “culture and inclusion”, such as sign language interpretation and accessible cultural advertisment.
• Promotion of cultural education training offers locally in cooperation with clubs, public education
educational works, artist and cultural initiatives
• expansion of active cultural participation especially for the young generation, and groups with a migration background and/or handicaps. For that, Wiesbaden is, for example, one of the organizers of the international children's and young people's theater festival "Starke Stücke" and supports the annual school theater days, where theater groups with people with disabilities also perform.
Partners working on this policy instrument