Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
European Funds for Silesia 2021-2027 Is a multi-fund ERDF/ESF/JTF OP which is directly keyed to the goals of the Development Strategy of the Silesian Voivodeship “Silesia 2030” – Green Silesia and Regional Innovation Strategy for the Silesian Voivodeship 2030. The main aim of the programme is the Silesia region will be a modern European region with a competitive economy resulting from a responsible transition, providing opportunities for development for its inhabitants and offering a high quality of life in a clean environment. It will be achieved through interventions under 13 priorities covering 5 Policy Objectives and the Just Transition Funds of the EU legislative package. The total allocation of European Funds for Silesia 2021-2027 is more than €5 billion.
Within the PICOBELLO project we will focus on those priorities that envisages supporting projects and investments that successfully combine the principles of sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion as projects implementing the New European Bauhaus principles:
Priority I – European funds for smart growth – with the areas defined as smart specializations in RIS Strategy and new one (RSO1.1)
Priority II – European funds for green growth – a greener, low carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy (RSO2.1, RSO2.6)
Priority VI – European funds for education ESF+ (ESO4.6. and ESO4.7)
Priority X – European funds for transition (JSO8.1) - implemented with special attention to the NEB principles and values.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The project addresses the policy instrument of the Regional Programme 2021-2027 Kentriki Makedonia and – more specifically – its Policy Objective 5 (A Europe closer to citizens by fostering the sustainable and integrated development of all types of territories and local initiatives) - RSO5.1 (Fostering the integrated and inclusive social, economic and environmental development, culture, natural heritage, sustainable tourism, and security in urban areas).
The Regional Programme 2021-2027 Kentriki Makedonia can support investments that successfully combine the principles of sustainability, aesthetics and inclusivity of the New European Bauhaus initiative, with the aim of finding accessible, inclusive, sustainable and attractive solutions to climate challenges.
Under RSO5.1 of the Regional Programme, interventions related to land management, improvement of the production facility, protection / valorisation / promotion of culture, the creative industry and tourism, strengthening social cohesion, developing resilience to the effects of climate change and reducing the carbon footprint of the city will be included. These will affect the Metropolitan Area of Thessaloniki, covering 12 municipalities with a population of one million. It will also incorporate provisions of approved Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans specifically to enhance micro-mobility and multimodality but also the improvement of urban roads with severe congestion or safety problems.
Partners working on this policy instrument

BGD based on 10 strategic objectives:
1. Become Europe’s digital and technological capital
2. Become a reference hub for national and international talent
3. Protecting the stability and security of the local economy
4. Transforming the tourism model towards value and sustainability
5. Expanding Barcelona’s international presence
6. Become the leader city in entrepreneurship and innovation
7. Guarantee the quality of jobs and employability of the city’s residents, reducing inequalities and guarantees social rights and quality jobs
8. Growing and strengthening the fabric of business and entrepreneurship initiatives for the social and solidarity economy (ESS) in Barcelona
9. Fostering the green and circular economy and the ecological transition
10. Become the reference city for new hubs of economic activity.
Barcelona ‘s strategic sectors: Although the strategy planned is for a global scope for the city, there are a series of sectors that are especially important within the city: digital, creative sectors, local economy, tourism, 4.0 industry, health & bio and green and circular economy.
These sectors are crucial for the future of technological development, the cultural and identity impact, the differential value, and the attractiveness and better quality of life of their citizens.
As well, as mentioned above, public-private partnership, where institutions, administration, business and citizens work together to manage the city's, are key for the achievement of these goals.
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DIFERENZA is aimed to highlight the relevance of design in the processes of social and economic transformation of the territory, from a sustainability approach. Among its priority areas of action, sustainability and circular economy are included to define design-based measures that make it possible to tackle global environmental challenges. It was launched in 2021 and initially runs until 2024 under the same format of 5 strategic lines. From 2024, new updates and modifications will be done on base experiences before launching a new 4 four years scope.
The programme is developed through 5 work lines:
1: Construction of a Galician ecosystem of innovation around design for the social and economic transformation of the region.
2: Construction of multidisciplinary co-creation groups to build bridges between science and technology and art and culture through design, to create a beautiful and sustainable world.
3: Funding for the design of new products, services and business models that are examples of design for innovation and sustainability, taking advantage of the opportunity provided by current environmental and digital challenges to transform and improve people's lives and optimise business competitiveness.
4: Recognition, visibility and dissemination of companies and professionals committed to design, innovation and sustainability for the improvement of social welfare and business competitiveness.
5: Construction of an International Network of Galician Design Professionals.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2027 programme has been prepared in broad cooperation. The programme has been approved by the EC in May 2022, first financing decisions are made in spring 2023. The programme supports business, energy, climate, innovation, education and employment policies, as well as activities against exclusion and poverty. It includes the measures of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) and the Just Transition Fund (JTF).
The programme supports innovation, competence development and inclusion in line with sustainable development. The cross-cutting priorities of the PI are sustainable development, gender equality, non-discrimination, digital development, internationalisation, climate change and innovation. These priorities are part of all measures. Of ERDF funding, 35 % is allocated to climate action.
The programme consists of seven priority areas: Innovative Finland (ERDF), Carbon neutral Finland (ERDF), More accessible Finland (ERDF), Competent and inclusive Finland that provides work (ESF+), Finland of social innovations (ESF+), Finland that prevents material deprivation (ESF+), Finland of just transition (JTF).
The programme is operated on national level, but the major part of financing is managed (intermediate bodies) in NUTS3 level in the regions. Priorities addressed by the PICOBELLO project activities are ERDF PO 1 Innovative Finland and JTF PO 7 Finland of just transition.
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The Vidzeme Planning Region Development Programme 2022-2027 defines 3 horizontal principles that are essential for the strategic development of the region: (1) ensuring accessibility, (2) improving governance, including the implementation of efficient and innovative public administration solutions geared to the specificities of the region and broad stakeholder involvement, (3) promoting the development of smart specializations, in particular the bioeconomy, ensuring consistency of actions across priorities.
In synergy with these principles, four goals are defined:
1. To maintain the nature eco systems and resources and manage them in a smart way.
2. To improve the quality of life of people.
3. To promote development and growth of the regional economy by transforming the models of economic activity.
4. To encourage cooperation and powerful organisations.
To achieve these goals,15 priorities has been set, three of them are horizontal and must be integrated into every VPR activity: (1) Cooperation and civic participation, (2) Climate neutrality and adaptation (3) Digitalisation.
A crucial component of the Policy document is the Action Plan, which outlines specific directions of action, objectives, and indicators, as well as an Investment Plan that includes project ideas aimed at achieving the goals. The Investment Plan also provides an indication of potential funding sources, such as institutional budgets or EU funds, that could be used to implement the proposed projects.
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Campus Nantes (CN) is an operational strategy for supporting higher education. The major challenges are to: (i) enhance the attractiveness of higher education; (ii) link higher education to economic development; (iii) integrate campus management into urban development policy; and (iv) support student life). Its objectives are to (i) Provide high-quality higher education, R&I, which is essential for building a region's future and developing the activities and jobs of tomorrow; (ii) To become a major national and European site by developing a Nantes-based offering based on innovation and transdisciplinarity; (iii) Build a clear, shared strategy involving all the players in a co-construction approach with the partners; (iv) Provide a medium- and long-term vision for CN based on a shared development plan in a constantly changing higher education and research context.
The CN agreement with EDNA is project based with a research education innovation scope. A yearly Call for Expressions of Interest by Nantes Métropole leads to the selection of 3 to 5 challenges by Nantes Métropole and EDNA research team. Those challenges serve as prospective case studies for researchers and design students. Main domains adressed by the PI are global health, evolution of the city, the food system. Design is applied to identify and experiment possible solutions for those local issues, considering meaning, identity and aesthetics, inclusiveness and gender neutral approach and sustainable lifestyles.
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