The second Study Visit will be in Jyväskylä, Finland
PROMOTER project partners and stakeholders will meet in Jyväskylä between the 16th and 18th of April 2024, to learn more about Finnish good practices in sustainable mobility and green energy.
During the Study Visit, hosted by the Regional Council of Central Finland (Partner 3), the participants will have the chance to visit Mustankorkea biogas facility, learn more about an E-trucks R&D Centre and conversion of diesel trucks and deepen their insight on the city’s good practices, such as car sharing and public transportation, for an increasingly carbon neutral society.
The second day will be dedicated to visiting also Kangas Area (a former yard of a paper mill now closed), designed as a sustainable area aiming to carbon neutrality.
On the 3d Day, working tables will be organized, one per Good Practice, with outcoming impressions and questions being reported in the Plenary Session thus ending the Study Visit.