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Aligning Growth Strategies with Environmental Regulations

By Project RAW4RES

We are happy to announce the completion of Activity A1.1. of the RAW4RES Project which focuses on "Exchange of experience on contention points between growth strategies vis-à-vis environmental protection policies." Project partners meticulously documented discrepancies between regional growth strategies in the raw materials (RM) sector and environmental regulations. The methodology and final report (Click here) for this activity were expertly conducted by our Slovenian partner BSC. The findings highlight potential conflicts with civil society actors, forming the basis for a comprehensive survey and subsequent analysis.

The analysis of partners' responses revealed several noteworthy observations. Firstly, there was a recognition of a fragmented regulatory framework, characterized by a lack of coherence in raw materials legislative frameworks and significant discrepancies and ambiguities that hindered alignment with national policies. Secondly, partners highlighted challenges associated with lengthy administrative procedures, impacting RM investments due to their complexity and a lack of clear direction in the permitting chain. Lastly, the financial and social aspects of mines' closure raised concerns, with partners expressing uncertainty regarding post-closure obligations and ownership of rehabilitated sites. These findings underscore the multifaceted challenges within the raw materials sector and emphasize the need for strategic interventions to address these issues comprehensively.

To address the identified challenges, the following recommendations have been developed:

  1. Investments in Research and Innovation Coordination:
    • Coordinated efforts for sustainable technologies and exploration methods.
  2. Enhance Recovery and Recycling of RM:
    • Encourage recycling during mining, processing, and waste management activities.
  3. Promote the Exchange of Good Practices:
    • Facilitate sharing of best practices among EU Member States for streamlined permitting processes.
  4. Increased Transparency of the RM Value Chain:
    • Establish systematic reporting and standardized disclosure of ESG performance.
  5. Certification for End-Processing/Recycling Facilities:
    • Introduce certification schemes for CRM-related waste streams.
  6. Closing the Loop through Industrial Symbiosis:
    • Support initiatives for industrial symbiosis, fostering collaboration between industry, public sector, and academia.

The European raw materials sector is on a growth trajectory, driven by increasing demand. Managing challenges associated with critical raw materials extraction is pivotal for a sustainable future. The RAW4RES project emphasizes the importance of a circular raw materials industry to mitigate negative impacts and contribute to Europe's sustainable development and transition.

Stay tuned for further updates on our ongoing efforts to shape a sustainable future through RAW4RES.