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Alec staff, ambassadors for Energy Communities in Gironde FR

By Project REC4EU

The French Partner Alec is giving an example of learning at organisation level.

Through its various activities in supporting actors in Gironde towards the energy transition, Alec is in a position to disseminate a better understanding of energy communities.

As a result, the various local authorities, co-ownerships, social landlords and SMEs that Alec supports,  will be able to take this solution into account and take their commitment even further.

While the contours of energy communities as defined in the law remain theoretical, existing citizen initiatives provide a wealth of practical examples.

The workshop was an opportunity to present the state of the art, to find out about the network of players on which to rely in the various situations that may arise and, above all, to understand the arguments on which Europe is basing its position:

• to keep money in the local economy

• to foster social acceptance for renewable energy

• to keep individual investment affordable

• to lower energy bills

• to benefit the local community

• to take action on energy

Interest is so strong that Europe expects that half of citizens could produce up to half of all renewable energy by 2050.

Read the article in French here
