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Energy Transition '23: Comparing RECs models in Tuscany - IT

By Project REC4EU

ARRR and Tuscany Region representatives were invited to a regional conference organised by ISI Foundation, in collaboration with Chamber of Commerce Tuscany, Pisa University of Pisa and DINTEC.

This event was part of the Energy Transition 2023 Project, and the main objective was to

  • focus on RECs
  • compare experiences and models in Tuscany
  • increase the awareness of companies and stakeholders in the fields of ecological transition, energy efficiency and the development of RECs
  • share good practices

It was a very important chance to bring together institutional representatives and companies to discuss the opportunities and challenges related to RECs in the Tuscany Region, and to share experiences and good practices among the territorial bodies that have already launched and established RECs.

It was also the right moment for ARRR to introduce again to a wide public the REC4EU project and to meet key stakeholders.

Eng. Simone Tartaro, Head of the Energy branch in ARRR illustrated the most interesting projects and activities carried out by the Agency during 2023 relating the topic of RECs, above all REC4EU.

Dr. David Tei, Head of the Ecological Transition Sector of the Tuscany Region, partner of REC4EU project, presented an overview of the regional regulatory framework and the opportunities contained in the Region's programming.

Mr. David Tei from Tuscany Regione makes a presentation at the event

Many interesting presentations followed (see agenda) and all were very useful to understand where Tuscany is, as far as RECs are concerned, and which are the next future steps to further develop them more. 

The event concluded with the presentation of some of the Energy Communities already established in the Tuscan territory: the promoters of each reality shared the activities carried out so far and the path undertaken, encouraging comparison between the different experiences.

The initiative took place on Tuesday 31 October from 10:00 am in the auditorium of the Florence Chamber of Commerce (both in presence and online)

Good practice