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REC4EU gets off the ground in Lubelskie region (PL): results

By Project REC4EU

The end of August saw first meeting of the Local Stakeholder Group of the REC4EU project in the Lubelskie Voivodeship, in attendance of representatives from key regional institutions related to the subject of RES and energy communities, e.g.

  • University of Life Sciences in Lublin,
  • Lublin University of Technology,
  • Energy Regulatory Office,
  • Energy Management Office of the City of Lublin,
  • Leczynski Energy Cluster and
  • Niemce Energy Cluster.

Setting the stage, project coordinator from the Marshal Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship Department of Strategy and Development presented an outlook on the project, namely its goal, budget, partners, work schedule and the expected results, also relating on the experience after the workshops in Florence.

Secondly, an employee of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources presented a material on shaping the energy policy in Lubelskie Voivodeship in the context of development of energy communities. Followingly, documents responsible for national and regional energy policy were enumerated, as well as forms of energy groups functioning in Poland.

The up-front crucial point of the meeting was presentation of a preliminary version of the SWOT analysis on energy communities in the region by a representative of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. The Professor discussed a main drawback of the Polish system of energy policy regulation, i.e., instability and ambiguity of national regulations, still bringing the light on a promising amendment in plans.

As a culmination of the event, discussion among participants followed, highlighted by insights from the highly experienced among the stakeholders. All its invaluable points, i. a. linking social awareness with the necessity of the incentive mechanism, are to be included in the final SWOT document.

In accordance with the Program requirements and as an optimistic glimpse in to the future, the Local Stakeholder Group is going to be meeting regularly, once a semester for the next 3 years, following with progress of the project and supporting its implementation with knowledge and experience.

Renewable energy