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1st Local Stakeholder Seminar of Czech Technical University


Lead Partner of the Repower Industries project, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (CTU UCEEB) hosted the first Local Stakeholder Seminar which took place at 17th September 2024 in Prague (Czech Republic).

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade CZ, Czech president energy advisor and representatives of private companies, professional associations, financial institutions and energy consultancies.

CTU UCEEB introduced Repower Industries project, outputs and results which should be reached by the project during the four upcoming years.

This session was followed by the discussion, which aimed to identify what needs to be done in the project how to increase the energy independency in industry, especially to secure energy in companies in the Czech Republic region. Support mechanisms, barriers, motivation and stakeholders’ experiences were considered and the conclusions of the debate will be finalised into a set of recommendations for the Managing Authority, the Ministry of Industry and Trade CZ.

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Energy efficiency
Renewable energy