Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The final goal of the S4 strategy is the transition to a model of sustainable and inclusive growth.
The S4 establishes:
- 6 thematic priorities: electric and connected mobility, healthy and sustainable food, green energy industry, personalised medicine, and sustainable tourism audiovisual industry.
- 2 transitions: green and digital.
- 5 factors in competitiveness: competitive environment, people and talent, R+D+I, business development and internationalization.
The competitiveness factors is implemented through different Regional Plans.
One of these main regional plans is the Comprehensive Social Economy Plan, that aims to place the SE model as a key pillar of economic and social recovery of Navarre, contributing to the job creation, economic development and social and territorial cohesion, through an innovative approach based on people and aligned with regional, national and European policies.
The Plan is structured in 4 strategic lines:
- “People”: Creation of Employment, Maintenance of Employment, Improvement of Employability.
- “SE Companies”: Consolidation and growth, Business management models, Cooperation, Innovation, Digital transition.
- “SE Sector”: Visibility and recognition, Social Economy Network, Regulatory development, Public-private collaboration.
- “Society”: Regional strategic projects and territorial cohesion, Recovery plans, Green transition and responsible consumption, Social innovation.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Within the framework of its competences in terms of accompanying the creation of companies the region carries out a policy of support to the incubators of SSE projects based on th epolicy instrument SRDEII.
The ESS incubators must provide several types of support, from the emergence of the project to its initiation:
- advice for the constitution and/or strengthening of the project team,
- creation of tailor-made training measures throughout the incubation period and intervention of technical experts and trades adapted to the projects,
- networking with partners, investors, institutions, universities and research, clients, etc. Networking can also be complemented by the animation of a community of incumbents,
- project hosting or provision of equipment and services, technologies related to project needs.
The target groups may be collectives (with or without a legal structure), individual project promoters, communities and socio-economic actors in the territory.
The first stages of incubation are therefore based on the reception of project leaders and the initial diagnosis of their projects, defining their entry into the incubator or their reorientation. The end of the support journey ends with the creation of the activity.
Concretely, the incubator must offer a “creator’s path” that incorporates the characteristics of ESS structures, social innovation with the actors and mechanisms present in the territory.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Lapland’s S4 aims to strengthen research and education support for innovation in micro & SMEs, renew expertise, and enhance quadruple helix cooperation. It encourages companies to invest in expertise, production, services and processes, fostering Lapland's appeal as an investment target and it advances the implementation of UN SDGs.
A key objective of the PI is to promote regional well-being by building preconditions for diversifying the economic structure in the context of green and digital transition, thereby developing resilience. In the development of the priorities, emphasis is in promotion of the sort of collaborative models (eg. clusters) that take the needs of companies and other relevant end users into account and support their growth and well-being. Actions like building and developing goal-oriented, innovation system-reforming operations between quadruple helix actors should be considered.
In accordance with its objectives and priorities, the strategy enables the development of SE enterprises, collaboration between SE and other organisation and the development of SE ecosystem and it´s innovation capacity. With the contribution of the RESEES project the development of cooperation and SE ecosystem helps to achieve PI’s goals especially related to the promotion of twin and just transition as well as sustainable jobs and innovative SMEs. Developing employment opportunities and SMEs based on nature, which are typical source of income and well-being in rural Lapland.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The main policy instrument to be improved is the Regional Development Plan (2021-2027). The instrument was approved by the Regional Council (2022). The mention of social entrepreneurship is quite general. But based on that, it is good to start developing a more precise description in order to improve the document. The region is interested to work closely with national authorities in order to apply the Model for measuring social impacts on regional level, where it is also necessary to empower and strengthen SE stakeholders, to make them able to use the tool not only for measurement and reporting, but also for development of social enterprises. By reporting on its social impacts, the SE system would gain its validity, recognition and consideration. The common goal of social impact measurement is to provide a comprehensive understanding and assessment of the impact of social enterprises on society and to promote sustainable and socially responsible business. The priority will be to stimulate public debate and obtain feedback and engagement from social enterprises. Based on the model, a proposal will be prepared to improve the Model for measuring the social impact of social enterprises.
PP06 RRA is also coordinator of the Business incubators network for the Podravska region where the intention is to develop the sub-strategy for support and involvement of social enterprises in the network as well as to upgrade the supporting services in regional incubators
Partners working on this policy instrument

Action 1.3.5 Support to social innovation processes aiming at satisfying new needs and empower territorial cohesion (project for enterprises and third sector organisations).
The action supports enterprises and other organisations with economic activities acting in the framework of the social economy, to reach the twin and just transition, with a look to territorial social impact they have. The objective is to support the development of social economy organisations through incentives for innovation development in the form of process, product, technological, organisational and social innovation, with the aim of empowering social inclusion and welfare in a more effective and efficient way to answer pressing needs of citizens. The action will act as part of the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy and complementarity with ESF+ Regional Programme (a social innovation fund being foreseen within that programme under PO 4, TO 11, ESO 4.11).
The possible integration between the two instruments will allow the regional government to try to implement a regional strategy for social innovation supporting local strategies and the implementation of strategic regional projects in the long run.
Partners working on this policy instrument

V Pact of Social Economy in Murcia, included in the Research and innovation strategy for Smart and Sustainable Specialization of the Region of Murcia 2021-2027 affects the recovery, resilience, competitiveness and capacity for social and territorial transformation of social economy companies, as defining milestones of the new framework for action of the social economy, deeply impacted by the economic crisis derived from the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Likewise, this new path of recovery will be chaired by the concepts of ecological transition, as required by European and national instances within the framework of the "Next Generation" document; digital transformation, essential in a context of technological revolution like the one we find ourselves in and development of the welfare state and support for particularly vulnerable groups.
This Strategy is supported -in part- by an Analysis-Diagnosis on the situation of the Social Economy of the Region of Murcia. The main social economy organizations in the Region have actively participated in its preparation.
Partners working on this policy instrument