Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The main current policy instrument of Maramures County is Sustainable Development Strategy of Maramures County 2014-2020 (SDSMC 2014-2020), being still in force until adoption of the policy instrument for this period - Sustainable Development Strategy of Maramures County 2021-2027 (SDSMC 2021-2027).
In SDSMC 2014-2020, relevant for the project is the Strategic Objective 2 (SO2) - Increasing the attractiveness of Maramures County for residents and ensuring an integrated and balanced development of the territory; Thematic Objective TO 10 - Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty. One priority of SO2 is in line with the project focus: P 2.1. Improving the quality of life to all the inhabitants of the county through supporting the poles of urban development and rural to provide public services of quality; with two specific measures: M 2.1.2 Ensuring access to infrastructure and education and training services quality for all the inhabitants of the county and M 2.1.3 Ensuring access to infrastructure and quality social services (social inclusion and combating poverty).
SDSMC 2021-2027 envisages 2 Strategic Objectives on promoting social and economic integration: SO1.2 To support research and development-innovation, digitalisation, entrepreneurship and adaptation of the workforce to the challenges of the future; and SO2.2 Reducing the risk of poverty and social exclusion by investing in education, health, social services, culture, youth, sports and recreation.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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Education has the power to transform lives, lift people out of poverty and break down cycles of disadvantage. Education is not an end in itself – it can enable people to reach their full potential, and create value, prosperity, resilience and a cohesive, sustainable and vibrant society.
'Funding the Future' is a landmark policy on the future of higher education. It sets out The Irish Government’s ambition for an inclusive, diverse higher education sector. The plan seeks to deliver a third level sector where neither ones’ background nor experience has a bearing on their ability to attend and flourish in higher education. The policy aims to support inclusion and diversity in Ireland’s student body, address the wider struggles and challenges for students, and deliver sustainable progress. It recognises the needs of vulnerable learners, the most marginalised and those with special and additional needs. It will continue to target and support students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged.
The planned investment of €307 million as part of Funding the Future, is in addition to the current €2 billion annual spend on Higher Education in Ireland, will focus on improving the quality of programmes, their outcomes, and providing a third-level education system which is accessible to everyone in society. Socioeconomically disadvantaged students who are migrants, or students with experience of the international protection process and refugees are key to inclusivity for all.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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The Lake Balaton Priority Area is a regional development unit (grounded by the 1996. XXI. Act) covering 180 municipalities around the Lake Balaton, covering the territory of 3 counties.
The addressed policy instrument is the development plan for this region for the period 2021-2027. The plan contains specific interventions and measures to be implemented with dedicated development funds.
The main objective of the regional development is to make the Lake Balaton area dynamic, to boost the sustainable economy.
The project is linked to the fourth priority of the policy instrument concerning to economic development. Within this, it relates to priority axes 4.2 Creative industries and 4.3 Enterprise development.
For axis 4.2, interventions related to the project are planned:
- Modernisation of the operating conditions of traditional crafts and craft enterprises, support for technological development;
- Knowledge transfer, training of young people, increasing resilience;
- Development of a quality control system for handicraft products in Balaton;
- Specific support for the establishment of the creative industries sector in urban areas;
- Creative industries investment promotion and marketing;
For axis 4.3, the following interventions should be considered:
- Encouraging local and regional business cooperation;
- Promoting diversification of entrepreneurial activities;
- Entrepreneurship training, awareness raising, mediation of entrepreneurial generation change;
Partners working on this policy instrument
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Integrated territorial strategy of the Prešov Self-Governing Region (IUS PSGR) for 2021 – 2030 is being developed and will be ready to implement in the second half of 2022.
The main goal of IUS PSGR is to create conditions for balanced territorial development of the region and increasing the quality of life of its inhabitants.
IUS PSGR identifies 4 priorities:
• Priority 1 Innovative and competitive regional economy
• Priority 2 Living conditions of the region's inhabitants
• Priority 3 Developed infrastructure and energy in a favourable environment
• Priority 4 Strategic territorial management and territorially balanced development
The area of living conditions of the region´s inhabitants including migrants and refugees in IUS PSGR will be addressed within Priority 2. - Better living conditions of the region's population through Specific objective 2.1.3 to ensure the availability of quality social services and to strengthen the social integration of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion.
All objectives and measures are currently subject to change as IUS PSGR is in the process of preparation.
The Operational Programme Slovakia, within the Priority Axis 5- Modern Regions, where part of the Measurements are going to be implemented from Prešov Self Governing region in accordance with the Integrated territorial strategy of the Prešov Self-Governing Region for 2021 – 2030.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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The policy instrument is a medium-term planning document (2021-2017) for the Saulkrasti Region. Its priorities are 1) sustainable regional development; 2) protection of cultural heritage and its sustainability; 3) implementation of equal opportunities policy; 4) reducing the impact of Covid-19 pandemics; 5) accessibility. The measure address by the SIRM project will be the Priority – implementation of equal opportunities policy; Direction RV5 Social Environment for promoting the socio-economic inclusion, which includes measures to promote labour market, as well promote the accessibility of less advanced groups of society to social assistance and services. The improvement of the equal opportunities policy will help to improve social services, which are essential for reaching the regional development objectives of sustainable development, conducting equal opportunities policy, promoting accessibility, dealing with the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemics, as well as new challenge - socio-economic integration of third country nationals – refugees and migrants.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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The Local Social Plan is a programmatic document covering the area of the Municipality of Brindisi, which defines the strategic objectives, the priorities of intervention, the tools and the means for the creation of an integrated system of services at social level. The Plan has a 3-years duration (the current version is the 2022-2024) and involves in its preparation a wide range of social actors, from policy makers to experts, who gather information on the specific characteristics of the resident population and the services already present and carry out an analysis of the population's needs. The Plan is in continuity with the programming of the previous LSPs and is preparatory to outline the social planning strategies. Also, it is designed to develop a generative welfare capable of producing social cohesion. Among the strategic priorities of the current LSP to build an inclusive local welfare, there is the “Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty”, providing the main achieved results,measures and milestones for the territory. This section makes also reference to the socio-labor inclusion processes of migrants and refugees. It does not mention several actions carried out by the Municipality of Brindisi in this concern, nor frame these within a single integrated process and strategy.
Starting from the LSP 2022-2024, thanks to the SIRM, the MB will be able to improve and update this policy instrument in view of the realization of the next version (LSP 2025-2027).
Partners working on this policy instrument
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The main current policy instrument of city of Šibenik is Development strategy of the Šibenik urban area 2021-2027 (SRUP Šibenik)- basic strategic document setting out the objectives and priorities for the development of the urban area.
The primary focus of SRUP Šibenik is integrated territorial development and the creation of an urban area which is functionally linked and improves the quality of life of all its inhabitants.
The project fits precisely into Priority 1. Post-tourism development, Specific objective 1.2. Increasing the quality of life, Measure 1.2.4. Improvement and modernization of social care, Activity Implementation of activities that contribute to the socioeconomic inclusion of marginalized communities, low-income households, and disadvantaged groups.
As main aim of Specific objective in the segment of social services, improvement of the assistance system for needy persons and finding an appropriate way for their inclusion in social and economic life and development was determined. There are plans to provide adequate professional support for students and to develop adult training programmes for all job seekers, particularly disadvantaged groups (including refugees and migrants).
The instrument for implementing the Strategy can be the City budget in Šibenik. The city budget is a basic financial and legal instrument for a three-year period (medium-term planning document), which determines the city's financial plans, policies, activities, and goals.
Partners working on this policy instrument
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