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Study Visit & Steering Committee in Maribor (Slovenia)

Skills for S3 and industrial transition
12 - 13 Feb 2025
Clock 09 : 00 - 13 : 00 CET
Location In person | Maribor, Slovenia
By Project TALENT4S3

In 2025, four study visits showcasing good practices will take place. The first visit will be held in Slovenia, specifically in Maribor, on February 12th and 13th. During this visit, the TALENT4S3 project partnership and its stakeholders will be introduced to 14 good practices from 7 different organizations, all focused on the theme of talent retention and attraction in the Podravje region and Slovenia as a whole, addressing challenges such as brain drain and talent shortages.

Slovenia is dedicated to talent development, supporting researchers, and attracting and retaining talents from both within the country and abroad through various good practices. Key initiatives include the Slovenian Sustainable Smart Specialisation Strategy (S5), Strategic Research and Innovation Partnerships (SRIPs), and the Action Plan for Cooperation with Young Slovenians Abroad and in the Diaspora. Support is provided through Zois Scholarships and Ad futura Scholarships for International Mobility, which facilitate education and research abroad. Young researchers can benefit from programs like co-financing for young researchers and mobility co-financing. Slovenia also promotes entrepreneurship through events such as the Podim Startup and Technology Conference and the PONI (Entrepreneurial Overcoming Challenges) program, which offer young entrepreneurs opportunities for growth and innovation. These initiatives create a strong foundation for a future based on innovation, collaboration, and the support of talent both locally and internationally. Additional recognized good practices will also be presented during the event.

The final day will feature a steering committee meeting, reviewing past and upcoming project activities.


Day 1: 12th February

  • 8.30 h  9.00 h: Arrival of participants

  • 9.00 h – 9.05 h: Welcome words (Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor)

  • 9.05 h – 9.35 h: State of Art presentation (Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor)

  • 9.35 h – 9.50 h: GP 1: PONI (Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor)

  • 9.50 h – 10.00 h: Q&A for GP 1

  • 10.00 h – 10.40 h: GP 2: Mentorship Program for Start-ups and Scale-ups (Slovene Enterprise Fund)

  • 10.40 h – 10.50 h: Q&A for GP 2

  • 10.50 h – 11.15 h: Coffee break

  • 11.15 h – 11.55 h: GP 3: Employment Fair; GP 4: Labour Market Platform (Employment Service of Slovenia)

  • 11.55h – 12.10h: Q&A for GP 3 and 4

  • 12.10 – 13.10h: Lunch

  • 13.10 h – 14.30 h: GP 5: Scholarships for the Study of Slovenians Abroad and in the Diaspora in Slovenia; GP 6: Co-financing of Scientific Research Mobility; GP 7: Zois Scholarships; GP 8: Ad futura Scholarships for International Mobility (Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia)

  • 14.30 h – 14.45 h: Q&A for GP 5, 6, 7 and 8

  • 14.45 h – 15.15 h: Wrap-up session of Day 1 (Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor)

  • 19.00 h: Networking dinner


Day 2: 13th February 

  • 8.30 h  9.00 h: Arrival of participants
  • 9.00 h – 9.30 h: GP 9: Dr. Aleš Debeljak ProgramGP 10: Young researchers co-financed through the pillar of stable funding (Public Agency for Research and Innovation Activities of the Republic of Slovenia)
  • 9.30 h – 9.40 h: Q&A for GP 9 and 10
  • 9.40 h – 10.00 h: GP 11: Student Challenges (University of Maribor)
  • 10.00 h– 10.10 h: Q&A for GP 11
  • 10.10 h– 10.30 h: GP 12: Podim Startup and Technology Conference (Venture Factory)
  • 10.30 h– 10.40 h: Q&A for GP 12
  • 10.40 h – 11.00 h: GP 13: Slovenia's Sustainable Smart Specialisation Strategy (S5) and Strategic Research and Innovation Partnerships (SRIPs) (Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development of the Republic of Slovenia)
  • 11.00 h – 11.10 h: Q&A for GP 13 
  • 11.10 h – 11.20 h: Coffee break
  • 11.20 h – 11.30 h: Management and Coordination (Fundecyt - PCTEX)
  • 11.30 h – 11.50 h: Exchange of Experiences (Fundecyt - PCTEX)
  • 11.50 h – 12.10 h: Communication and dissemination (Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor)
  • 12.10 h – 12.25 h: Wrap-up session of Day 2 (Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor)
  • 12.25 h: Lunch