Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
RIS3 Extremadura 2021-2027 is an instrument to boost our social progress and economic competitiveness and to interconnect business, scientific, technological, institutional and social resources in the increasingly globalised environment. It has been designed as a roadmap to make Extremadura an exporting region of products and services with its own brand and high-added value, with the aim of moving towards a green and digital transition capable of exploiting our resources and capacities in a sustainable way, making the region an attractive destination for investment and talent.
The RIS3 Extremadura 2021-2027 sets four strategic objectives:
-SO1. Strengthen the regional scientific-technological offer and orient it towards the innovation needs of companies
-SO2. Activate business investment in R&D&I and improve their capacities for smart specialisation
-SO3. To promote gender equality, the dissemination and diffusion of Science and Technology and the opening of the R&D&I ecosystem to foreign cooperation
-SO4. To help in the identification and exploitation of new areas of opportunity through sectorial and technological cross-fertilisation
To guarantee the success of this policy instrument on talent-related issues, the project will be focused on SO1, Strategic Line 2 aiming to qualify human capital for the R&D&I; and within SO2, Strategic Line 5 aims to promote and attract talent to the region and interconnect regional companies with Extremadura's talent present globally.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The Sustainable Smart Specialisation Strategy Slovenia (S5) is an important component of Slovenia's EU Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027 (CCI 2021SI16FFPR001) and a key factor in the Cohesion Policy in Slovenia. S5 is also an integral part of the regional development programme for Podravje region, which will be executed through the Regional Development Agreement (obj. 5 of the CCI). However, the current strategy falls short in addressing the issue of brain drain and skills shortages and surpluses at the regional and local level, particularly in the context of transitioning towards circularity. To address these gaps, an n entrepreneurial discovery process should be implemented on NUTS III level as well.
Partners working on this policy instrument
One of the five investment areas of the Programme for the EU funds’ investments 2021–2027 is “Smarter Lithuania – competitiveness of the economy and transition to the economy with the higher added value”, which the project will focus on. The objective 1.4 is the “Development of skills needed for the Smart specialization, digital transformation and entrepreneurship”. Under this objective there are three separate activities foreseen:
• Developing the competences and skills for SMEs needed for the economic transformation;
• Developing the competences needed for the continious EDP process and implementation of Smart specialization;
• Developing the knowledge transfer and innovation management competences among research institutions.
In Lithuania, there is a lack of systematic measures aimed at improving the skills and qualifications of the specialists as well as attracting new talents in the necessary areas, solving the challenges related to economic transformation, therefore, important investments in this area continue to remain. Ongoing robotization and digitization are rapidly increasing the demand for skills development or acquisition. In line with these changes, more advanced or newer skills are becoming necessary for industries. Industrial transformation also requires more comprehensive skills that include not only scientific, technical, technological processes, but also specific skills to a certain S4 priority.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The Emilia-Romagna Regional Law n.2/2023 is the first law in Italy for promoting attraction and retention of highly specialized talent, that is highly specialised people who can find a job, their own professional or research space, undertake higher training courses, in Emilia-Romagna.
In order to achieve these objectives, different measures will be provided: facilities for companies that hire young people returning from abroad or interested in working or doing research in Emilia-Romagna; tailored training courses; specialisation and qualification through a network of master's degree courses in higher education schools or universities; welfare service packages (nurseries, schools, housing, work-life balance) for young people and their families.
These measures will be connected and coordinated with other policies and strategies already implemented by the Region, among which the regional law for the promotion of investment attraction and the internationalisation of the production system.
Many regional stakeholders were involved in the definition of the regional law (public institutions and local authorities, universities and research centres, firms, trade unions, Chambers of Commerce), which will have an active role also in the implementation phases of the law, by promoting and supporting the mobility of highly specialized talent.
Collaboration and partnership agreements with other regions, as well as with European and international institutions and networks, will be encouraged.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The North-West Regional Program 2021-2027 (RP- NW) has 4 Regional Specific Objectives (RSO) within Policy Objective 1- A more competitive and smarter Europe, by promoting an economic transformation innovative and intelligent and of regional ICT connectivity.
The project is addressing RP Specific Objective (iv) Developing skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship (ERDF) by:
a. Skills development at the level of SMEs through:
- provision of SME employee skills training courses
- industrial transition facilitation courses, including courses for developing advanced digital skills;
b. Development of skills at the level of CDI entities through:
- provision of skills development training for staff of pursuing higher education and research institutions deepen their cooperation with economic operators, increase the commercial viability and market relevance of their research projects, as well as their capacities to participate in interactive and open innovation processes.
c. Support for the entrepreneurial discovery process through:
- developing actions (eg: exchange of international experience of best practices, specific courses, international trainings) for the development skills in the process of entrepreneurial discovery at the level of regional actors involved in the management of innovation policies (RDA, universities, NGOs, other actors).
Partners working on this policy instrument
Priorities of the Lapland S3 (A prosperous Lapland – with sustainable innovations) target ie. to boost research and education organisations’ ability to support the innovation operations amongst Lapland’s micro-, and SME’s and to renew expertise and joint action models in the research and education sector. It promotes the willingness of companies to invest in the advancement of expertise, production, services and processes, as well as foster the attractiveness of Lapland as an investment target and advances the implementation of the UN SDG’s.
With Lapland S3, region’s main industries' sustainable growth and the companies' capacity for innovation are encouraged. Emphasis is in promotion of the sort of collaborative models that take the needs of companies into account and support their growth. The development of business-based cooperation models involves, for example, cluster activities.
As a strong connection to the TALENT4S3, we target to evolving collaborative models as well as investments towards the renewal of know-how and ensuring expertise-based exchange and accessibility to skilled labour.
Together with industrial and technological development targets, the strategy promotes wellbeing of individuals and communities, and promotes the sustainable utilisation of the environment in the production of services. Hiring of skilled labour is a crucial bottleneck in Lapland's innovation processes, both in recruitment and in mismatching.
Partners working on this policy instrument
The Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region provides a long-term, strategic development framework for the future physical, economic and social development of the Southern Region and includes Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans (MASPs) to guide the future development of the Region’s three main cities and metropolitan areas – Cork, Limerick-Shannon and Waterford.
The RSES sets out a vision for the Southern Region to:
• Nurture all our places to realise their full potential
• Protect, and enhance our environment
• Successfully combat climate change
• Achieve economic prosperity and improved quality of life for all our citizens
• Accommodate expanded growth and development in suitable locations
• Make the Southern Region one of Europe’s most creative, innovative, greenest and liveable regions
In addition, the economic vision for the Region is to enable sustainable, competitive, and resilient growth. The RSES seeks to achieve this vision through the economic principles of Smart Specialisation and Knowledge diffusion.
The RSES seeks to achieve balanced regional development and full implementation of Project Ireland 2040 – the National Planning Framework. As the regional tier of the national planning process, the RSES, which is a 12 year strategic regional development framework, will ensure coordination between the City and County Development Plans (CCDP) and Local Enterprise and Community Plans (LECP) of the ten local authorities in the Region.