Project summary
TEXAD aims at improving and driving municipal policy instruments towards a circular model.
This includes prevention, proper sorting, collection, and valorisation of textile waste. As waste needs to be transformed from being just waste into new products or secondary raw materials.
Our objectives
- Improving the policy instruments for European municipalities by including/reinforcing circularity in textile waste management.
- Aligning these policies to the new EU regulations requirements.
- Focusing on policies dealing with waste management. E.g. waste prevention, separate collection, logistics, sorting, smart waste technologies, valorisation, and consumer awareness.
4 - 6% of the EU’s overall environmental footprint can be traced back to textiles, according to the EC Joint Research Centre. Its 2021 report shows low textiles recycling rates, with 1.7 to 2.1 million tonnes of used textiles collected annually in the EU. The majority of the remaining 3.3 to 3.7 million tonnes are probably discarded in mixed household waste.
The project makes it easier to comply with the upcoming EU regulations &directives. Including the Waste Framework Directive, that oblige EU member states to establish systems for separate textiles waste collection. The WFD allows for waste management systems where European municipalities have the general responsibility for collecting waste. Upon this key role, TEXAD aims at improving & driving the municipal policy instruments towards a circular model.
Project focus
Policy instruments dealing with waste management, including the whole value chain of waste management for textiles. And how to engage key agents from textile management to ensure a holistic approach that successfully improves European waste management systems (the innovative character of the project).
The partnership combines 6 municipalities with strong textile background and best practices to share, 1 Regional Development Agency (PL), and 1 fashion cluster as an Advisory Partner. This partner connects the project with key stakeholders (private sector, technology providers, etc.).
Partners' TEXAD websites
Prato Municipality
Mataró Municipality
Enschede Municipality (LinkedIn post)
Stara Zagora Municipality
Santo Tirso Municipality
MODACC - Catalan Fashion Cluster
Rzeszow Regional Development Agency

Subscribe to more TEXAD info
Read the TEXAD newsletter and be part of the change towards a sustainable, circular future. And help us to build the policies for textile waste accordingly. The newsletter is sent 2-4 times/year during the project duration.
What will this project change
The updating of policy instruments will support the European municipalities in complying with the upcoming EU legislation on textile waste management.