Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Krakow’s Sustainable Tourism Policy for 2021-2028 was conceived as a tool for rebuilding tourism after pandemic crisis. The goals and recommendations of policy paper stay in line with the with the topic of the project “Tourism in Balance”.
Krakow has been conducting surveys on tourist traffic for many years. Every year data and forecasts on the volume of tourist traffic, together with the characteristics of visitors to Krakow are presented at the Tourist’s Forum.
Krakow strategy policy paper recommend more measures, so Krakow plans to carry out data preparation and analysis, researches like i.a. Doxey Irridex Model and certification pilot action during the project Tourism in Balance.
The document explores nine areas of recommended actions that need to be taken by all local stakeholders to rebuild the tourist industry and maintain a balance between the interests and attitudes of various stakeholder groups. Recommendations have been developed on the basis of a diagnosis and social consultations, and were preceded by opinion surveys among local residents.
Main objectives linked to the project:
• achieve balance between the interests and attitudes of residents – tourists – enterprises
• increasing tourism traffic management efficiency,
• mitigation of conflicts of interest and values (through regulations, dialogue in the spirit of partnership, and transfer of knowledge)
• simultaneously improving the quality of services, as well as the quality of life for the residents.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Objective: Contributing with tourism to the broad prosperity of the Metropolitan region Amsterdam (MRA)
- destination management;
- destination development.
Maintaining the quality of life in the Amsterdam region (MRA) will require constant attention. Control of the expected growth of visitors in the MRA and spreading are essential.The growing population is accompanied by an increase of 60 million leisure activities and expected growth of +10 million overnight stays/year. This results in more pressure on the available space. The already popular places are getting busier. Cooperation is essential. The main features of our policy are:
• Provide a joint approach for distribution in space and time with marketing, accommodation-, event- and attractions policy
.• Mobility: solve local bottlenecks and ensure sustainability.
• Culture: carefully utilize the potential of the 'DNA' of destinations
• Focus on enhancing the benefits and involvement of residents
• Ensure a better balance between benefits and burdens
• Enhance insight into visitor flows through monitoring and use of nudging to encourage spreading.
Priority of measures concerned:
Spreading is the main priority, followed by destination development. We will use data to monitor spreading and will use marketing and promoion to experiment with divers innovative (nudging) interventions to spread and influence visitors already in Amsterdam to visit other destinations in the region.
Partners working on this policy instrument

MAIN OBJECTIVES (related to the project’s topics):
A. to preserve and enhance natural and cultural heritage in protected areas of the metropolitan territory;
B. to plan and implement sustainable mobility measures in the whole metropolitan territory;
C. to promote local economic development, also by providing support to SMEs of the tourism sector;
D. to digitize administrative services.
In relation to “sustainable mobility”, specific objectives (defined also in the Metropolitan SUMP – Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) are:
• to improve the connection services between the access gates to the Metropolitan city (airports, ports, railway stations, tourist bus platforms) and the tourist attractions located outside the city centre, in order to promote more balanced tourism flows in the metropolitan territory;
• to strengthen mobility services on last mile tourist connections, in the tourist destinations other than the Rome city centre;
• to strengthen digital accessibility to less known tourist sites through the promotion of integration initiatives between transport operators, operators in the tourism sector and digital platforms.
In relation to the support of SMEs in the tourism sector one of the main objectives of the MSP is:
•`to support actions aimed at promoting sustainable tourism, thus contributing to enhance the role of natural and cultural heritage and tourism in economic development of the metropolitan area.
Partners working on this policy instrument
SIDU was elaborated in the context of preparing different kind of projects that could be financed from EU funds in 2014-2020, being mandatory for the submission of projects within ROP. The strategic vision is that Brasov should become a dynamic community, with a high capacity to adapt to global changes, offering residents, tourists and the business environment an attractive shared space for living, visiting and development opportunities.
To achieve this, the strategy was structured on 5 main objectives:
1. Strengthening the strategic geographical position of the BMA by developing the intermodal transport hub connected to regional areas and natural landscapes.
2. Attracting new companies and supporting the development of existing ones.
3. Attracting residents and eliminating urban-rural disparities, by planning the territory, rehabilitating the built fund and increasing quality of public services.
4. Attracting visitors by capitalizing on the natural, built and cultural heritage and by protection, conservation and promotion measures.
5. Strengthening, diversifying and expanding the territorial partnership, supported by increasing the management capacity of local administrations.
The objective dedicated to the tourism sector should be achieved through 3 priorities: development of tourists, sports and leisure infrastructure, conservation and capitalization of heritage, diversification and promotion of the touristic offer, without, until now, any specific TIB related objective.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Objective 1: Product and destination development
Characteristics and measures addressed in the policy instrument::
- Destination development is focused on spreading tourists via usage of data management. Data-based approach - how to use data to get insights of tourist movement and how to develop destination based on collected data. The aim is to spread tourists based on physical movement (travel itineraries) and on travel time.
- Digital and green revolution in the tourism sector.
- Development of innovative tourism products.
- Development of knowledge and skills, business environment and co-operation between different stakeholders.
Objective 2: Demand recovery:
Re-building tourism and recovery of number of visitors in line with Tourism in Balance principles.
Characteristics and measures addressed in the policy instrument:
- Finding new target markets. The war in Ukraine affected the whole tourism sector in Estonia. Current politic situation in Europe makes it necessary to find new target markets because Russian tourists used to be one of the main target markets for Estonian tourism companies.
- The focus is on the conscious visitor who is interested in Estonia for more than just one trip, wants to stay longer and is ready to consume more services and spend more.
- Approach is focused on smart data marketing.
- Marketing communication emphasizes topics such as a safe destination, sustainable and green thinking, responsible society and community involvement.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The Operation Programme 2021-2027 for Andalusia Region focuses on jobs and economic growth. Within the programme (still on draft version), the specific objective for Culture and Tourism EO4.6 “The reinforcement of culture and sustainable tourism as part of the economic development, social inclusion and innovation”, includes the action line “Promotion of tourism sustainability through cultural heritage”
It seeks a sound and balance distribution of tourists flows in the territory all year round. To do so we will work on:
1) promoting a better knowledge among visitors of the local cultural heritage;
2) a better management that puts sustainability at the centre of the play;
3) new tourism infrastructures
4) better signage of tourism assets for universal accessibility
Accordingly, The Andalucía Tourism Strategic Plan for 2021- 2027 within the “Management of destination global sustainability” includes specific lines (LE2.PR05, PR06) of action to achieve all those goals:
- study of the carrying capacity of destinations, especially big cities with overtourism issues
- promoting tourist products to diversify and favour interactions between destinations so as to contribute to redirect the flows, putting on the spot less known destinations.
- Promoting interior medium-size destinations that may balance the tourist distributions
- Re-enforcing the Destination Management Intelligent System in alliance with Universities.