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Bremerhaven and Freiburg learn from each other

By Project TOURBO

After winning third place in the starter field in the national competition for sustainable tourism destinations, Erlebnis Bremerhaven GmbH is pushing the issue of sustainability: "We were considered as one of the ten holiday destinations in the nationwide PraxisIMPULSE tandem programme," says Managing Director André Lomsky, pleased with Bremerhaven's expressed quality. 

Regular digital meetings, mutual visits and further networking events are to enable a targeted and longterm exchange between two holiday resorts that jointly develop a "roadmap" for implementation on site. Freiburg/Breisgau is Bremerhaven's sparring partner in the coaching programme. The programme, which runs until March 2024, is funded by the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.


The Tandem Programme is a bilateral exchange programme between like-minded destinations to develop solutions through cooperation and practice-oriented exchange. The togetherness supports the dissemination of existing knowledge, competences and experiences, promotes learning from each other and drives sustainability processes in the holiday destinations.

"With the support of our tandem partner Freiburg, we are striving to develop joint sustainable offers in cooperation with our service providers through an exchange at eye level and are also looking at appropriate travel options," Franziska Stenzel, who leads the project at Erlebnis Bremerhaven GmbH, and Corinna Brand from the Department of Economics, Tourism and Science, formulate the goal. Freiburg is also taking up this challenge. Both cities also want to learn from each other how to sensitise guests to the topic of climate protection and how to convince companies to for the topic.

Freiburg matches Bremerhaven because it also focuses on climate protection and shares the same goals with Bremerhaven in the Tandem Project. The respective partners were selected and assigned by the project consortium ECOTRANS, KATE Environment & Development and TourCert through an approval and matching process. Also involved are Allgäu and Tourismus Marketing Uckermark (TMU), Tourismus Marketing Niedersachsen (TMN) and Mecklenburg, Bad Dürheim and Oberstdorf, Saarpfalz and Nordeifel. The kick-off took place online at the beginning of July, the second online meeting will be held on 8 August. The Freiburg team will come to Bremerhaven on 24 and 25 August. More information here: www.wissensportal-nachhaltige-reiseziele.de/praxisimpulse.

Sustainable innovation
Sustainable tourism